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Best way to write, I think. He also described it as a road trip. The GPS can tell you where you start, where you'll end up and how long it'll take to get there, but it can't tell you about the pile-up on the motorway that needs a detour to get around, or the diner you stop off at to get lunch.

Clearly Martin likes taking the scenic detours, seeing as it's taken him the better part of 2 decades to write 5 stories broken into 7 books. If pretty much anyone else tried that, the publisher would've cut them loose by now.

(Also on Dresden, he planned out the series to be 23 books, so he's definitely hitting endgame in the next few years. The fact that the last 3 books are pretty much designed to be an apocalyptic trilogy is in no way shape or form alarming in the slightest).
Not sure to be honest, the series seemed to have a real direction, then it gets to the last 3rd and suddenly he introduces completely new characters and storylines.

Just seems to be rambling in random directions. Would be ok if it wasnt planned to be ending within 2 books but it feels like he has kind of lost control of the beast a bit.
If its wasnt for the TV shows the next book wouldnt be seen for years. Thankfully having TV companies knocking on his door is speeding up the process.
Reading the Dresden Book 1 : Stormfront.

Its ok, but when he started capturing fairies I did wonder if I was reading a book aimed at 12 year old girls :smile: Easy enough reading for the train at moment though.
Reading the much touted Morrissey Auto - I do like most of Mozza's stuff & been to the odd concert so am looking forward to this.
The last of the game of thrones series, not sure what to do next as there is no date for the next release and its way ahead of the TV programme.
Some Kind of Fairy Tale by Graham Joyce - this is the first book as chosen by the Prince Avenue Book Club that has just started we order some copies from the library & we read them for free!
J.G. Ballard's Extreme Metaphors (a collection of his interviews) and the Kraftwerk biography 'Publikation'.
Jo Nesbo - Cockroaches - This is the second Harry Hole book as written - I enjoyed the first one (The Bat) & snapped up the next 4 or 5 only to discover that they were not published in the same order! - Anyway after about 9 months some bright spark decided to publish this one so I can finally start reading them again.