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no one likes us we don't care (I know its Millwall's chant, but I like it.

Of course most pop chants at all clubs are for the refs (need glasses, bent etc)

The ref at last home game got plenty and a lot of swearing, he was v bad
Bertie Mee said to Bill Shankly
Have you heard of the North Bank Highbury
No said Bill
I don't think so

but I know about the Southend North Bank
La la la etc etc

Remember the song sung all over the place at the time of Tommy Dochertys affair with the Man U physios wife
To the tune of Knees up

Docs up Mary Brown.....

Shanks said no, I don't think so.

But near enough.:thumbsup:
Roy , Roy , Super Roy , Roy , Roy , Super Roy , Roy , Roy , Super Roy , Super Roy McDonough......

and then inexplicably the 2nd verse went

Chicken in a basket Super Roy , Chicken in a basket Super Roy , Chicken in a basket Super Roy , Super Roy McDonough...

....anyone care to explain how that bit came about ..?
''In your Liverpool homes, in your Liverpool homes,
you look in the dustbin for something to eat,
you find a dead cat and you think it's a treat,
in your Liverpool homes.''
At Dean Court donkeys year ago , a young Spencer Prior was having an absolute nightmare + at fault for Bournemouths 1st half goals

During the interval they played Michael Jackson's song to which the loud away following sang :

Dont blame it on the sunshine, Dont blame it on the moonlight, Dont blame it on the Good times , BLAME IT ON THE PRIOR !!!
Not strictly at the Hall but Chesterfield away at the cup a few years ago back at their old stadium, we had over 1000 there and 2 ladies walked past the away end and what was friendly banter turned to 'who let the dogs out...woof woof'. Was so harsh but so funny and the reactions from them were pure embarrassment.
Sang about Ginger Lee, I've hear the Col U fans once sang, "Ginger is a jigsaw, Ginger is a jigsaw, La la la la, la la la la"

I remember coming down the road and seeing Ginge with his shirt and back slashed to ****. He was still refusing to get in the ambulance. Has to be my worst experience at football. Don't hate many, but Col u are on the list for that one.
I was amused several years ago by the Exeter fans when we were playing them at St James Park. One of our hefty defenders flattened an Exeter forward and then proceeded to give him an ear-bashing while he lay still on the ground. The Exeter fans sang: "You're not very, you're not very, you're not very nice." It made a change from w*nker, f***er, **** etc....
Eastwood chant i love as it reminds me of the good old days but i did laugh at the "he picks up the soap, he picks up the soap, Micheal Timlin he picks up the soap (picks or picked cant remember)
would love to hear this more often as its funny but also Timms is such an engine
You're just a fat Freddy Eastwood - sung at Wayne Rooney

How times have changed:'(

At Dean Court donkeys year ago , a young Spencer Prior was having an absolute nightmare + at fault for Bournemouths 1st half goals

During the interval they played Michael Jackson's song to which the loud away following sang :

Dont blame it on the sunshine, Dont blame it on the moonlight, Dont blame it on the Good times , BLAME IT ON THE PRIOR !!!

He scored an awesome OG that day. Diving header from outside his own area. Epic.
"Socks" at Steve Claridge after the imbecile and future BBC pundit had let his socks fall down once more after the ref had told him to pull them up. The ref then booked him.

It's truly up there with Benji's goal at Bury and Brettie Angell's goal beating W*** H** as one of the greatest moments of being a Shrimper.
Oh Stanley, Stanley
Stanley, Stanley
Stanley Collymore

still gives me goose bumps.

Not strictly the Hall, but I particularly remember Cambridge away, when he had possibly his worst match for us. The Cambridge fans started giving him a bit of stick after he made a mistake (he was mortal - after 32 matches who knew?) and I swear the Southend faithful responded as one with a chorus of Oh Stanley, Stanley. He didn't get any more stick after that.
6 foot 2, eyes of blue, Gary Moore is after you la la la la la la la la

Except my memory of that chant is:

Six foot two, Eyes of Blue, Big Bill Garner's after you....

Stamford Bridge is a Public Library (not a great chant, but what a great occasion. Thanks again, ITV, for the cracking highlights....)