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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Southend United 0-2 Wycombe Wanderers


Zone Owner⭐⭐
Staff member
Oct 25, 2006
The end of the road I feel once again in League 1. Such a terrible,terrible team.

How on earth do we go on from this?

Whatever has happened to us?
Spineless, gutless, embarrassing so many words.

Unfortunately this useless bunch have sealed our relegation.

I see zero positives, mass exodus and rebuild next season and push for a championship winning season next year.

Hate to admit it but it appears Powell really wasn’t the problem and it was this gutless waste of wages.
We won’t bounce straight back from league 2, the squad doesn’t care enough. All well and good tweeting all week about supporting and backing the team but to then produce that shower of ****?

Relegation with that wage budget we are in for a very very bad time at Southend
Why do I get my hopes up time and time again? I was convinced we'd get at least a point against Wimbledon, then again v Shrews, and yet again today. Only to be let down by that spineless overpaid bunch of losers time and time again. Only Humphrys gets any credit today, as soon as he was subbed we fell apart.

I'm seriously considering not going to the Burton game now, and I haven't missed a home game in years. Unfortunately I've already bought my Sunderland ticket.
SOUTHEND United are facing an uphill struggle to stay in League One after suffering a 2-0 defeat to fellow strugglers Wycombe Wanderers at Roots Hall this afternoon.

A mixture of poor signings from Powell and tactics.

Players being spineless (not all). Confidence is low.

Overlong contracts for players who are done (Kightly, Turner).

Bad luck with injuries.

Ron not acting quick enough to notice rot and a terrible January window.

Apart from that.... it's been great.
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So it’s not the fans’ fault, as once again we have turned out in numbers, it’s not the management as it’s a completely different management team, it’s not the board as we have a top 5 wages paid in the league considering our size.
There is no one left to blame but the gutless 11 out on that pitch. Once again dominated at home by another relegation side.

I was really hoping for a different football style but still resorted back to hoof ball. It’s sunday league esque in terms of quality and less so in fight and passion.

I still have faith in us staying up as we should fight to the end but collectively as a unit we did not stand up and make ourselves counted for.
End of the season can’t come soon enough. A season that promised so much at the start has just been one massive **** show from start to finish. We lack leaders, we lack quality. We are managed by a bloke who none of us wanted. We have a squad most of which will be out of the door this summer. I’m speechless as to just how bad it was today, the players who have been asking us for our support all week gave us **** all today. That’s a me done for this season, I’m not wasting another penny on seeing that spineless bunch of pricks let me down, again.
Conference by 2021 cheers Powell and cheers Martin. Dream stadium will loook good playing infront of 3000 people against Boreham Wood
Hart, Humphrys and Cox were OK. The rest weren't. As soon as we went 1-0 down that was it, no desire to win and no respect for the club and its fans from at least five of the our players. Hutchinson, Kelman, Wabo would have tried harder and looked like it was important for them to wear the SUFC shirt.

We can still pull out of this but must beat Walsall and, especially, Rochdale. Who thinks the current team can do that..........?
End of the season can’t come soon enough. A season that promised so much at the start has just been one massive **** show from start to finish. We lack leaders, we lack quality. We are managed by a bloke who none of us wanted. We have a squad most of which will be out of the door this summer. I’m speechless as to just how bad it was today, the players who have been asking us for our support all week gave us **** all today. That’s a me done for this season, I’m not wasting another penny on seeing that spineless bunch of pricks let me down, again.

Unfortunately most are still under contract so won't be going anywhere!!
We've only lost 3 of our last 8 away matches but have lost 7 of our last 8 at home.

It's pretty obvious why, we have zero creativity. Away that doesn't matter too much because teams will attack us and we can launch it long for the counter. At home though sides aren't going to do that and we lack anyone (aside from maybe Cox) that knows how to make space for himself or to play an intelligent pass, and that makes it far too easy for teams to stop us. What has happened to Klass and Hutchinson? Yes they make mistakes but at least they try and get it forward, Mantom and Dieng don't do anything.
So it’s not the fans’ fault, as once again we have turned out in numbers, it’s not the management as it’s a completely different management team, it’s not the board as we have a top 5 wages paid in the league considering our size.
There is no one left to blame but the gutless 11 out on that pitch. Once again dominated at home by another relegation side.

I was really hoping for a different football style but still resorted back to hoof ball. It’s sunday league esque in terms of quality and less so in fight and passion.

I still have faith in us staying up as we should fight to the end but collectively as a unit we did not stand up and make ourselves counted for.
I have been a zealous supporter since 1970 when my Dad took me to see Southend vs Barrow, which we lost 3-2 at Roots Hall. I now live in Morecambe so can only afford to see certain away games. The ones I have seen have shown character and fight and yet it appears at home the opposite is true. Why are we total dross at home? I worry constantly and go through hope, frustration, befuddlement but most of all anger. Can't give up as my veins run blue but surely someone somewhere can work out what's wrong and f***ing fix it. Who will we keep next season? Thank f**k I've no hair left to lose. COYB.
Gutless, spineless a total emabarressment...

I can take losing but some of those players are not fit to wear a shirt, Kightly, Manton, Dieng, Kiernan were all absolutely ****ing awful... Disgrace!

Worst team in 20 years.

Timlin on a one year contract seems like one of the worst decisions ever now last summer!
It beggars belief who picks the midfield, before the game very few wanted Dieng AND rightly so. Kites is sadly no longer a danger to anyone going forward and a liability defending, Mantom can't tackle, can't shoot, can't head and is troubled if he goes into the final 1/3rd of the pitch. Poor Coxy and Hump where left isolated and alone.
Kiernon was a centre back despite what Bond tries to say, White has zero creativity, Elvis and Hart worked and tried to get forward and back and forward and back but had no interplay with the non existant supposed midfield.
If Bond was advised of line up by Keen then he needs to think on that.
Bond, likeDuncan, kept shouting for the midfield to get forward faster etc but he might as well have asked Ron to sign Bale as it is something just as unlikely.
Doomed we are, doomed I tell you!
At least now the youths and Dru might be given a start., Klass and Hutch are not worse than those muppets.
And don't blame the crowd as they have been very very patient.