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National Incident Declared. Polio.


Life President⭐⭐
Dec 10, 2006
Polio has been detected in sewage samples collected in treatment works in Beckton, East London. Potentially very serious. Polio hasn't been found in this country since 1984. It's been eradicated in nearly all countries of the World except Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. They say there is an ongoing community transmission going on. They've advised for those in that part of London, to check their Polio vaccination is up to date, or get vaccinated.
Polio has been detected in sewage samples collected in treatment works in Beckton, East London. Potentially very serious. Polio hasn't been found in this country since 1984. It's been eradicated in nearly all countries of the World except Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. They say there is an ongoing community transmission going on. They've advised for those in that part of London, to check their Polio vaccination is up to date, or get vaccinated.

I'm not surprised at all, London is probably the most diverse City in the World, you're going to get someone coming into the Country who will spread it.

It's good that we live in a first World Country and have the means to detect it early.
I was vaccinated as a baby in the late 1970s and been told that the vaccine is strong enough to last a lifetime.
Polio has been detected in sewage samples collected in treatment works in Beckton, East London. Potentially very serious. Polio hasn't been found in this country since 1984. It's been eradicated in nearly all countries of the World except Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. They say there is an ongoing community transmission going on. They've advised for those in that part of London, to check their Polio vaccination is up to date, or get vaccinated.
It is indeed worrying and I have seen a notification today regarding this
Hopefully most in the country will be vaccinated against it
You pump untreated **** into the waterways and you get polio. Quelle suprise.
It’s a wee bit alarmist that, although I agree Water Companies are generally a disgrace when it comes to pollution.

In this case Polio has been discovered in the treatment works by the routine testing that is carried out that detects all sorts such as Covid. Up until a few years ago our polio vaccination was live, and it still is in many parts of the world. It is suspected that this may have caused the results at the treatment plant, by someone here being recently vaccinated abroad.
I think that is the point being made by blueblueblue, there are a lot of 1st generation unvaccinated persons in East London, and their children.
There was a similar measles worry a decade ago.
We will have always had unvaccinated travellers entering the country either as visitors or immigrants. What's unusual is that polio was almost eradicated in western africa but the WHO couldn't quite get rid of it due to distrust of western medicine (somewhat understandably) and the remote and challenging nature of tribes and towns across Nigeria etc.

So what seems to have happened is that due to COVID, and also due to oppressive government policies relating to migrants and access to health care etc, that people haven't been getting routine vaccinations. The last couple of years of COVID will have had a knock on impact on people accessing routine immunisations and visiting primary care etc. If anyone isn't up to date with their immunisations then get in touch with your GP and get it sorted.
I was vaccinated as a baby in the late 1970s and been told that the vaccine is strong enough to last a lifetime.

As an oldie now, I was given a lump of sugar in the 60's, which I believe (and hope) provides lifetime protection.
As an oldie now, I was given a lump of sugar in the 60's, which I believe (and hope) provides lifetime protection.

I remember vividly my mum telling that the polio vaccination would be just a sugar lump. Then the doctor came out with a big fuggin' needle. Not happy.
Unfortunately I contracted polio in 1958 which was life threatening then. Iron lung initially, then calipers, but hey-ho still here at 73…
I remember a England u21 Aston Villa player who did not survive.
yes I’ve got the Purple Southend shirt, though it’s a bit tight after the lock-down
If there is one thing that should unite us all on here it is the simple question to friends, relations etc. have you had the polio inoculation? This takes no prisoners. It’s not like Covid which may or may not have symptoms and long term effects. It is contagious, damage is fairly immediate and typically life changing permanent. It can be treated not cured.

It’s pretty likely to be those with small children as I would have though the rest of us are covered
The world is now so scary i’m not sure wether to have my 5th covid jab or 3rd polio booster.