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18.02.2023 - last home game??


Dec 13, 2007
Im not one for boycotting. As said previously im all for protesting but not anything that impacts on kev and the players. they are not in control of this situation.

A thought i had was surely the game at RH on the 18.02.2023 could potentially be our last home game as Southend United FC. Should this not be a time to unite, fill RH and show the footballing world what the club means to us? If organised properly lets have a large march/protest to the ground, i dont mean 100-200 like the last couple but in our thousands and then make RH rock for the game. Would this not be a good idea?
Im not one for boycotting. As said previously im all for protesting but not anything that impacts on kev and the players. they are not in control of this situation.

A thought i had was surely the game at RH on the 18.02.2023 could potentially be our last home game as Southend United FC. Should this not be a time to unite, fill RH and show the footballing world what the club means to us? If organised properly lets have a large march/protest to the ground, i dont mean 100-200 like the last couple but in our thousands and then make RH rock for the game. Would this not be a good idea?
I’m all for protests but only if they’ll actually achieve anything. Surely by leaving a big protest until like 10 days before the debt needs to be cleared is far too late to make any difference?

I agree that filling Roots Hall for our last ever game would be fitting. But I suppose it’s the lack of clarity over whether it will be that will affect whether that happens.

That’s what I don’t understand about this whole situation. If we were really on our deathbed with no way out then you’d think the Club would have been desperately appealing for anyone to help. £1.5 million is a lot of money. But it’s not totally insurmountable. For instance that’s asking 1500 people to donate a grand to keep a club going that is a huge part of their lives. Given in League One we were regularly pulling in 7k crowds that doesn’t sound completely out of the question. Obviously some people would have deeper pockets than others but you take the point.

But none of this has happened and I just wonder if it’s because there is actually a plan in place.

Also there’s been no fire sale of the squad or coaching staff. Collymore and Tom Lawrence are still in place. Maybe it’s hope more than expectation but if we do end up going under next month without even trying to raise the funds ourselves that would probably be the most heartbreaking part of it all for me.
Even if the worse happened (which I don’t think will) the decision would go to appeal which could take months..
I’m all for protests but only if they’ll actually achieve anything. Surely by leaving a big protest until like 10 days before the debt needs to be cleared is far too late to make any difference?

I agree that filling Roots Hall for our last ever game would be fitting. But I suppose it’s the lack of clarity over whether it will be that will affect whether that happens.

That’s what I don’t understand about this whole situation. If we were really on our deathbed with no way out then you’d think the Club would have been desperately appealing for anyone to help. £1.5 million is a lot of money. But it’s not totally insurmountable. For instance that’s asking 1500 people to donate a grand to keep a club going that is a huge part of their lives. Given in League One we were regularly pulling in 7k crowds that doesn’t sound completely out of the question. Obviously some people would have deeper pockets than others but you take the point.

But none of this has happened and I just wonder if it’s because there is actually a plan in place.

Also there’s been no fire sale of the squad or coaching staff. Collymore and Tom Lawrence are still in place. Maybe it’s hope more than expectation but if we do end up going under next month without even trying to raise the funds ourselves that would probably be the most heartbreaking part of it all for me.
I certainly agree with all of the above, however, people will look at that and say that we are naïve thinking that's all going to be ok. My view very much is that it will somehow be resolved otherwise as you say there should be complete panic stations and certainly the attempts to gain external financial support. However, the feeling very much seems to suggest the club is dying which is also not wrong to think. Its simply a 50/50 we either survive or dont. My point of the thread is lets come together as a group, support each other and in particular for that game fill the ground, get the media attention that is now growing and show the football world what we are all about. Deep down we need answers from the club and Ron but i very much doubt we will hear anything prior to 01.03.23
Could the supporter groups for example organises for the West Stand blue and white paper showing 1906 in huge numbers for example? i dont know the answers. I love this football club and its heart-breaking to see what's going on and potentially could happen. But i also cant just turn my back on Kev and the team. Will be there tonight, Nott s and Torquay away and spend as many minutes in RH as we can all the time the club is still breathing
We are not folding, it will not be our last game, the bill will be paid this is a waste of time.
Has anyone noticed that most of @WestStandBlue's posts on here relate to the financial situation of the club, very little comment on matchday threads but as soon as someone suggests doing anything related to our dire situation, said poster is there straight away to shout it down...

Just an observation.
Hide my posts if you don’t want to see them then? sorry to bring a different view away from the doom and gloom of folding every 2 seconds.

Don’t like to engage on the match day threads, as I’m usually at the game and then enjoying a night out.

Maybe it’s because I’m in a position to know about things like the above? so I’m happy to confidently say we are not going bust
We are not folding, it will not be our last game, the bill will be paid this is a waste of time.
It's happened before, it's happening now and it'll probably happen many more times in the future.... all part of the SUFC rollercoaster!
Hide my posts if you don’t want to see them then? sorry to bring a different view away from the doom and gloom of folding every 2 seconds.

Don’t like to engage on the match day threads, as I’m usually at the game and then enjoying a night out.

Maybe it’s because I’m in a position to know about things like the above? so I’m happy to confidently say we are not going bust
Why say something if you can't back it up? Bit pointless really isn't it.
We are not folding, it will not be our last game, the bill will be paid this is a waste of time.
Hi, i dont think i know you maybe i do. Im sorry that you feel the need to express that my post is waste of time. ive been to over 1000 games during my 43 years supporting our club. I agree and my opinion is the same that i hope and believe that something will be sorted by Ron. However until that point the club and us fans remain in a very difficult situation so if we could use this game as a way of really uniting and filling the ground why is that wrong or a waste of time? Im not arguing with you, your entitled to your opinion i just seem it odd that my suggestion would be considered a waste of time
Has anyone noticed that most of @WestStandBlue's posts on here relate to the financial situation of the club, very little comment on matchday threads but as soon as someone suggests doing anything related to our dire situation, said poster is there straight away to shout it down...

Just an observation.
I'm guessing it's Ron, or someone close to him.
As pointless as people spreading negativity without anything to back it up
What neagtive things have been said on this thread that need backing up? The original post was about Gateshead ‘potentially’ being our last game, which isn’t a false statement.

Do I think we’ll go bust on the 1st? Probably not. But you can hardly blame people for being worried about the worst case scenario and wanting to do something about it. A march before the game doesn’t affect the team at all, so I don’t see the issue if that’s what people want to do.
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