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Five Live tonight


No ⭐
Oct 27, 2003
The wilds of Kent
Tonight on Radio Five Live will be a programme segment called "The Football Think Tank". Amongst the issues to be addressed will be:

Ticket Prices, the Abramovich, Chelsea, Money Rules, Sugar Daddy question, Clubs in Crisis and the FA.

This programme is potentially a valuable platform for the organised supporters' movement to get our point of view over. Make sure you listen in AND, most importantly text or e-mail in comments.
I will be training tonight in preparation for tomorrow's warm welcoming to wales!

Can't make training sorry,but i'll try and listen to 5 live and if there is anyway i can get sufc and shrimperzone mentioned i will.There is always the novelty of a foreign caller.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Napster @ Feb. 04 2005,10:19)]Some idiot texted me while I was having a romantic deux a deux
That is new way of calling it.

I always thought ORM's favourite expression chicken choker was good enough.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bob Cratchitt @ Feb. 04 2005,10:25)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Napster @ Feb. 04 2005,10:19)]Some idiot texted me while I was having a romantic deux a deux
That is new way of calling it.

I always thought ORM's favourite expression chicken choker was good enough.

ha ha ha.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bob Cratchitt @ Feb. 04 2005,10:39)]Anyway Dave our illiterate one it is an U not an E.

But it does seem we know Naps well.
Wouldn't know myself don't have much need for it
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bob Cratchitt @ Feb. 04 2005,10:39)]Anyway Dave our illiterate one it is an U not an E.

But it does seem we know Naps well.
I was always told that if you knew the "dance" the spelling didn't matter.
So, back to the subject, what did Powell say about us on the show?