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If we go to Cardiff....

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SJP Taxi & Private Hire ⭐️
Oct 26, 2003
Hockley now on loan to Rayleigh
... Would you do anything diffrent then last time for many of us this was a first time but now having been last year is there anything you would change or do diffrently?

for me I would have stayed in the 'Angel Hotel' another night only stayed 2 nights! can't beat a good last man standing bar
I for one will not be taking the missus this year as she will be eight and a half months pregnant and I'm not risking the kid being born in Wales!

Well my missus will have dropped by then, seeing as shes due 2nd March so this could be my kids first ever game. "Its all down hill from here son!!"
I went up the night before and went out  on the p***.

If we get there again then i will take my 2 kids on the coach. It would be an amazing end to their first season as season ticket holders.

Come on Southend.

Bruce Shrimpsteen

Born to Shrimp
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The Flying Scotsman @ Jan. 28 2005,09:54)]Well my missus will have dropped by then, seeing as shes due 2nd March so this could be my kids first ever game. "Its all down hill from here son!!"
Imagine that, in 18 years time when someone posts on Shrimperzone - 'What was your first game?' he or she can say 'The LDV Final at the Millenium Stadium when I was a month old'.

I would like to meet up with some Szoners this time round instead of hanging around with my sad brother!

Think I will use a different type of transport too, as last year we hired out a 7 seater peoples carrier that had a restrictor on and would allow us to do about 50mph tops!

Getting over taken by the supporters coach is NOT funny!

Oh.... and I would most definatley NOT go with my brother................Have I already said that?
I dont think I would do anything different to what I did last year. Was a right laugh going out with the SZ lads in the evening, after drinking all day from London.

We should have a repeat of that this year
[b said:
Quote[/b] (West Country Shrimper @ Jan. 28 2005,10:15)]I dont think I would do anything different to what I did last year. Was a right laugh going out with the SZ lads in the evening, after drinking all day from London.

We should have a repeat of that this year
You did'nt throw up that time then Hils?

I've taken the (admittedly, slightly drastic) decision to lock this thread.

Why? Because:

1. I'm a superstitious b'stard.
2. This thread is tempting fate.
3. We are still a long way from getting to Cardiff.
4. We are "played 1 lost 1" against Bristol Rovers in the League - so I reckon we've still got a fuggin' enormous job on our hands to get to Cardiff.

Can we have a moratorium on "when we get to Cardiff" threads please? We may not get there at all this season...


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