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Laptop problems

Sep 8, 2011
South London
For a week or so I've been unable to open any websites on my laptop.
I use Firefox, and that hasn't been working. the wheel goes round forever and evertually it says "Secure Connection Failed".
I've tried other browsers, they don't work either.
I did the cmd
netsh winsock reset catalog

i did forget the network and that didn't work.

Any ideas?

I know it's connected to the internet coz i use Thunderbird and that works. I'm stumped.

My guess would be firewall issues, try disabling any firewall you have and see if it starts working.
Rather than start a new thread thought I'd revive this one.

I have an old work laptop, company of which have now gone bust, running windows 7 however admin locked, a WhatsApp message to my old IT manager and he says if I download windows 10 it will override my old firms OS and therefore enabling me a home laptop.

2 questions, do I need to buy windows 10 or can I upgrade for free?
how do I install windows 10?

any help appreciated!
Thanks MK, I may go down the hard of hearing route.

I mean I am struggling to hear of any new signings...:smiles: