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Scotland and the 2018 World Cup


I'm a Gnu, how do you do!⭐⭐
Staff member
Aug 14, 2009
Westcliff riviera
Once again the Scots have managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I almost feel sorry for them.
I don't understand the dislike that flows both ways. I would much prefer all home nations to qualify, over and before any Johny Foreigner.
Scottish football is more screwed by the lack of Scot players with top clubs than England is in the Prem - and that is sad enough.
Part of me laughs at their misfortune but part of me feels a bit sorry for them. Major tournaments are always better when at least one of the other home nations is there and it's been a long time since Scotland were at one. And they did well just to get into a position where they could qualify in the final game. If only Harry Kane hadn't scored that last-minute equaliser against them.

Saying that, if they had qualified you just know they would've beaten us in Russia. :blush:
I wouldn't have minded seeing Scotland qualify for the World Cup - and Russian off-licence owners would certainly have been bang up for it.

They blew it in their first four games and were always playing catch up thereafter (which reminds me of another team who wear navy blue), although of course that last minute Harry Kane equaliser at Hampden massively hurt them too...
As will the Welsh now, as they have also failed to qualify after losing to Rep of Ireland.

Back to Scotland, I think Gordon Strachan's excuse for failing to qualify is brilliant. He's blamed it on "genetics" (Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel !!).

In other words Gordon claims that the Scottish are too short to compete against other nations. Despite being the same size as world and euro champions Spain in 2015, and the Portugal team that won the Euro's in 2016.

From the bbc site here:

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Who cares. The mighty Iceland are there, and England are ******** themselves again. :smile:
As will the Welsh now, as they have also failed to qualify after losing to Rep of Ireland.

Back to Scotland, I think Gordon Strachan's excuse for failing to qualify is brilliant. He's blamed it on "genetics" (Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel !!).

In other words Gordon claims that the Scottish are too short to compete against other nations. Despite being the same size as world and euro champions Spain in 2015, and the Portugal team that won the Euro's in 2016.

From the bbc site here:


Just glad Messi wasn't Scottish, otherwise he would never play International football due to his height

Do like Strachan, comes out with some tongue in cheek crackers, that the press latch on
Syria are out thanks to a 38yr old Tim Cahill. *******, as if they've not suffered enough.....
Australia in the same qualifying group as Syria?

Australia moved to the Asian confederation a few years ago. Thinking being that there is more scope for them to develop if they are playing half decent opposition rather than just steamrollering Vanuatu and Tonga every four years.
Yeah, I like the dutch (fans and players)

and sadly the ignorant frogs and the Portuguese carrot munchers go through to Russia.

I'm wondering if Argentina will fail to qualify later when they have to face Ecuador, lots of permutations in that group. Even a draw I don't think will be enough. Especially if Peru draw against Colombia. I would imagine Paraguay will beat bottom side Venezuela.