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Broadband ? Sky / BT / Talk Talk opinions

Floval Flyer

Licensed to ill⭐
Jul 6, 2010
Leigh On Sea
Our BT infinity deal is coming to an end and we're thinking of changing ISPs

We currently have the 76MB infinity 2 with the TV package etc. We hardly ever watch the add on channels so am considering going for a plain old Internet, but as we've been a BT customer for about 15 years have no clue on how others compare?

We we cannot get Virgin Fibre, and so Talk Talk 76MB fibre appears to be the closest option, and the prices are much cheaper than BT or Sky.

Can anyone offer any advice or experiences with Talk Talk or recommend another provider?

BT customer service is appalling, and we have had a lot of problems of late with bandwidths and connectivity so time to change. Just don't want to change for something even worse.
Think you are always going to be on your own here because you will hear horror stories about all of them. I am with Talk Talk and have never had a problem that has not been sorted out to my satisfaction by the online operatives. OK, sometimes this has involved a 15 minute 'conversation', but all has been sorted. However, there will probably be 20 others on here who will say they have had nothing but trouble. Unfortunately, this is like any purchase, there is always the risk that YOU will get the lemon..In all honesty, I would probably write down what each of them offers, and for what price and go with what suits you best, while being prepared to badger them at the start to make sure you get it all.
I agree with Wight Shrimper, it's always going to be a bit of a mixed bag.

I will say this though from my personal experience, from where I live in Thurrock, Sky have a decent broadband help team and connectivity is very stable & reliable, I've hardly had any problems in 15 years. However that being said, they have never lived up to the broadband speed that they promise to deliver on their website.

I guess it's what you use the net for, I hardly download films etc, & if I do it's over night, so the broadband speed wouldn't be an issue to me. But I guess if you had a business etc, that depended on that, it would be a major factor.
thanks for the feedback fellas :thumbsup:

our ever growing number of connected devices means we cannot consider anything other than 'top spec' broadband connection, but as mattitouk says above 76mb is the limit and often not achievable. I have run a speed test on our ethernet connected desktop (without anything else connected) and it was there or thereabouts, however then you add the other dozen connected devices it can sometimes slow down.

Like for like the Talk Talk 76mb package seems to be the cheapest, and doubt BT will offer their existing customers any incentive to stay based on recent experiences.
I'm on TalkTalk, £46 a month, (though I do have the kids channel add on) and had hardly any grief with them, though I know many have. The broadband speed if fast enough for me to *cough* acquire a movie in 5-10 minutes though there's rarely more than 2-3 devices connected at any one time.
Talktalk here and whilst I have all the TV options etc I don't use them. I've been with them for years now and have beaten them down to £30 per month. This includes the TV option, line rental and broadband. I don't have calls included in my package as we never use the landline.

I think £30 is pretty good. We are heavy users of the internet, four of us at home (incl 2 teenagers) and we often have two or three of us streaming stuff at a time. I'm not sure what speed I'm supposed to achieve but whatever we have is never slow or "laggy"

Customer service is dreadful but thus far I've not had any major problems. With all of that in mind, I would recommend them.
Thanks for the feedback MKS and fatshrimp

YB, who’s your ISP then? And what issues have you had with TT or BT?

BT are just a bunch of crooks, so can’t be hard to get a better deal and service surely.
Thanks for the feedback MKS and fatshrimp

YB, who’s your ISP then? And what issues have you had with TT or BT?

BT are just a bunch of crooks, so can’t be hard to get a better deal and service surely.

I've been with Origin Broadband for the last couple of years.

They managed to "upgrade" my line the other month which meant I had to make changes to my router. Fair enough. Except they forgot to tell me this so I was without broadband for a day and had to spend three hours on the phone (and they only have about 5 songs on loop for their hold music) to get it resolved. When I finally got through the guy I spoke to at the second attempt was excellent and managed to diagnose it and talk me through all the steps that needed to be taken. I wouldn't necessarily recommend them but you can do far worse - that's by far my most positive experience with an ISP's customer service!

As for BT, it was about a decade ago but BT managed to cut me off when my housemate moved out and BT wouldn't let me take over the bill. After 6 weeks of getting nowhere only to then be told I'd have to wait over a month for an engineer to come in and install a new line (although there was a perfectly good one already there) I gave up and went to TalkTalk. They then ballsed it up (not helped by more BT incompetence) and only got it resolved once I'd escalated it to the Chief Executive and got my MP involved. I was then with them for about 6 years until my broadband disappeared (although they continued charging me for it) for several weeks. Apparently it was something to do with upgrades at the Exchange but again I had to escalate it to the Chief Executive to get someone to even look at my case, after which is was resolved within a couple of days.

I then moved to Plusnet for a couple of years. Fortunately never had any need to contact them.

I've had far more issues with broadband companies than water, gas, electricities, credit card companies, banks, mobile phone companies, insurers etc combined. At least with them if something goes wrong - and fair enough things will occasionally go wrong from time to time - you can pick up a phone and get things sorted and if they tell you they'll do something they will actually do it. Basically all ISPs seem to be **** as soon as anything goes wrong. I'd probably go for a smaller, cheaper outfit and cross your fingers nothing goes wrong.
Just got a quote from BT, their like for like package (TV, Fibre, Phone) works out £300 more expensive over 18 months, if you are an existing customer v new customer deal :thumbdown:

So looks like Sky or TT broadband only with free view - which equates to an even bigger saving of 55 quid a month, which will more than cover a Blues season ticket, with beer money & change!
Do have Sky TV?

Normally Sky will do you a pretty good reduced deal on broadband if you already have a TV package with them and upgrade as an existing customer.


Thanks matti ! Yeah, I see Sky are offering some good deals on new customer packages, could be the best option. 30quid a month for unlimited 76mb fibre is a good deal. Am looking at scraping the TV option and just going with either Netflix/Now/Amazon subscription only. Good savings to be had by switching :thumbsup:
Hi Floval,

Ive been with Plusnet for about 3 years now and am very happy with them.

Originally on ADSL but upgraded to Fibre as soon as the cabinet just outside our house was upgraded.

Its been trouble free so far and much cheaper than BT.

Also use NowTV and Freeview as was hacked off with Skys constant price rises

Hi Floval,

Ive been with Plusnet for about 3 years now and am very happy with them.

Originally on ADSL but upgraded to Fibre as soon as the cabinet just outside our house was upgraded.

Its been trouble free so far and much cheaper than BT.

Also use NowTV and Freeview as was hacked off with Skys constant price rises


thabks mate
not made the change yet. Waiting for Xmas to be over first :-)
I'm with Talk Talk but my speeds are "paltry"

Download 8.9 Mb, Upload Mb 0.6
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Currently with BT Halo, have a job-lot for two properties. Not the cheapest but never had any problems with reliability or speeds. Best ever was O2 until their customer base was sold-off to Sky (mid-contract) who wanted to charge more to see out the term and charge extra for internet security, an inclusive service with other providers.
Hi Floval,

Ive been with Plusnet for about 3 years now and am very happy with them.

Originally on ADSL but upgraded to Fibre as soon as the cabinet just outside our house was upgraded.

Its been trouble free so far and much cheaper than BT.

Also use NowTV and Freeview as was hacked off with Skys constant price rises


Plusnet manage to be cheaper than BT despite being a BT subsidiary... and with a call centre based in Leeds, or at least it was...