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Mar 6, 2004
Suffolk 'em all
OK, following the thread on site costs, the need to raise more money to run it and as agreed by the mods, here goes with a little initiative ......

Accepting that I've already given my book Roots To The 92 the odd airing or two (or three ...) on SZ already and many of you have got it (and all comments received thank you have been great:

- I'm not interested in making money from my book now, just want to up the sales to 1,000 (currently circa 930) so I can get one more zero closer to JK Rowling. Recent royalties have gone to either Little Havens, Moody Blues or Parkinsons.

- The royalties are about £1.88 a book from a £8.99 purchase on Amazon, a bit more if you go for the kindle option. So lets call it £2 a book (Amazon, the publisher and the printer cream the rest)

- For anyone on SZ who buys the book now (and says they will on this thread or by sending me a SZ message) I'll pay £2 a book to SZ.

- Folk can either collect a copy from me in the Shrimpers Bar before a match (I usually grace the place with my presence in the Shrimpers Trust corner from about 2.00 pm to 2.45 pm ish on a Saturday KO), or

- They can get it from Amazon and tell me when they've done it (there is a way of seeing the sales come through tho I can't tell who so will have to rely on honesty and not you hoping that at the same time some non-SZ'er buys and I think that's you!)

If needed I'll bump it up from time to time for one week to give it a chance of being seen by all (a 7-0 win v Wigan on Saturday should help viewings) and then let it die as I suspect a week is more than enough.

Tho I know a lot of SZ folk have already got it, maybe there are some who have missed my posts on it :smile: If you've got it then maybe get another copy for your favourite aunty.

It's a win-win: I get to see my sales total tick up closer to the 1,000 mark, SZ get some dosh which I'm happy to do as SZ is a great site for lots of reasons, and the SZ buyer gets what I hope they'll find is a great read (or if they have it already maybe they can get it as a present for someone they love). :smile:

As an added bonus if you all can get me up to the 1,000 mark I'll change my Avatar and never mention the bloody book on here again

For the sake of any doubt I would only donate the £2 per book to folk saying on SZ they want one - I'm still pushing it a bit elsewhere (when not on SUEPA stuff) and for non-SZ sales the royalties at the mo are still going to Parkinsons

So over to you. If you want to get a copy on a match day let me know and we'll exchange messages to make arrangements to meet, if you get a copy now on Amazon just post when you've done it and I'll add the donation to the total that I'll make on Valentines Day (now, there's another present event surely?) :high five:
OK, following the thread on site costs, the need to raise more money to run it and as agreed by the mods, here goes with a little initiative ......

Accepting that I've already given my book Roots To The 92 the odd airing or two (or three ...) on SZ already and many of you have got it (and all comments received thank you have been great:

- I'm not interested in making money from my book now, just want to up the sales to 1,000 (currently circa 930) so I can get one more zero closer to JK Rowling. Recent royalties have gone to either Little Havens, Moody Blues or Parkinsons.

- The royalties are about £1.88 a book from a £8.99 purchase on Amazon, a bit more if you go for the kindle option. So lets call it £2 a book (Amazon, the publisher and the printer cream the rest)

- For anyone on SZ who buys the book now (and says they will on this thread or by sending me a SZ message) I'll pay £2 a book to SZ.

- Folk can either collect a copy from me in the Shrimpers Bar before a match (I usually grace the place with my presence in the Shrimpers Trust corner from about 2.00 pm to 2.45 pm ish on a Saturday KO), or

- They can get it from Amazon and tell me when they've done it (there is a way of seeing the sales come through tho I can't tell who so will have to rely on honesty and not you hoping that at the same time some non-SZ'er buys and I think that's you!)

If needed I'll bump it up from time to time for one week to give it a chance of being seen by all (a 7-0 win v Wigan on Saturday should help viewings) and then let it die as I suspect a week is more than enough.

Tho I know a lot of SZ folk have already got it, maybe there are some who have missed my posts on it :smile: If you've got it then maybe get another copy for your favourite aunty.

It's a win-win: I get to see my sales total tick up closer to the 1,000 mark, SZ get some dosh which I'm happy to do as SZ is a great site for lots of reasons, and the SZ buyer gets what I hope they'll find is a great read (or if they have it already maybe they can get it as a present for someone they love). :smile:

As an added bonus if you all can get me up to the 1,000 mark I'll change my Avatar and never mention the bloody book on here again

For the sake of any doubt I would only donate the £2 per book to folk saying on SZ they want one - I'm still pushing it a bit elsewhere (when not on SUEPA stuff) and for non-SZ sales the royalties at the mo are still going to Parkinsons

So over to you. If you want to get a copy on a match day let me know and we'll exchange messages to make arrangements to meet, if you get a copy now on Amazon just post when you've done it and I'll add the donation to the total that I'll make on Valentines Day (now, there's another present event surely?) :high five:

I haven't got a copy yet... my Christmas hints were ignored so there was obviously a reason for that!

So I'll buy one now from Amazon.
It's a great book, I can vouch for this as it holds the wobble dining table up at a corner.

But joking aside ....buy this book, it is great..:Worthy:
I can't resist such a generous offer. I will buy one from Amazon and Kindle my life away in Doctors/Dentists/Opticians waiting rooms.
I'll pay £30 and you can donate whats over to the SZ fund. If i can see you on Sat about 2pm as we got to walk around to the West stand after. Cheers Sean.
I have asked for for the book as a bday present, but I would rather the profits went to your normal charities.
No right or wrong, just my preference

well done, excellent stuff regardless
Have just purchased a copy from Amazon.
Having read the reviews and travelled up and down the country following SUFC since the mid 70's, I cant wait to read it and remember some cracking memories of many away day's following our club.
There is nothing in the book about the run in I had with Torquay Youth back in 1998.

Refund please.
FBM/RHB - thanks for the kindle purchases

Sean - very generous, thank you. See you in Shrimpers Bar at 2.00 pm (subject to tractor traffic getting out of Suffolk)

UWS - thanks and noted, the royalties from any purchase will go to Parkinsons

F4M - thanks, was it kindle or paperback (not showing on the Amazon stats as yet though they do have a reporting delay)

MC - its not that kind of book

Cricko - thank you for your endorsement, if you buy another four you can increase your table height

Everyone else - come on, valentines day is approaching, say it with RTT92
Cheers Suffolk. Wont have much time to faff, what do you look like ? (Awaits all sorts of humerous suggestions and others claiming to be you)
Cheers Suffolk. Wont have much time to faff, what do you look like ? (Awaits all sorts of humerous suggestions and others claiming to be you)

Tall bloke over near the Trust stand in the bar with a stack of books under his arm and a pint in his hand! :smiles:
FBM/RHB - thanks for the kindle purchases

Sean - very generous, thank you. See you in Shrimpers Bar at 2.00 pm (subject to tractor traffic getting out of Suffolk)

UWS - thanks and noted, the royalties from any purchase will go to Parkinsons

F4M - thanks, was it kindle or paperback (not showing on the Amazon stats as yet though they do have a reporting delay)

MC - its not that kind of book

Cricko - thank you for your endorsement, if you buy another four you can increase your table height

Everyone else - come on, valentines day is approaching, say it with RTT92

Paperback version was purchased
I can't remember if I have already read this or not but seeing as it is for a good cause Kindle version purchased.
ok, following:

Kindles bought by FHM, RHB
Paperback bought by F4M and Sean

that's a total of £8 plus a further generous £21 from Sean so a total of £29 raised.

(UWS - as requested I'll lump your purchase in with the next sales catch up donation from all sources and pay to Parkinsons)

Cricko - the £29 for SZ will be paid across on Sunday after the Pompey game and the fund raiser re the combo offer for that ie a further £43 as Dave only wants one book) so that's a total of £72 for SZ.

Thanks to all for participating.

UTB, Andy
ok, following:

Kindles bought by FHM, RHB
Paperback bought by F4M and Sean

that's a total of £8 plus a further generous £21 from Sean so a total of £29 raised.

(UWS - as requested I'll lump your purchase in with the next sales catch up donation from all sources and pay to Parkinsons)

Cricko - the £29 for SZ will be paid across on Sunday after the Pompey game and the fund raiser re the combo offer for that ie a further £43 as Dave only wants one book) so that's a total of £72 for SZ.

Thanks to all for participating.

UTB, Andy


I can't remember if I have already read this or not but seeing as it is for a good cause Kindle version purchased.

Yorkshire bought the braille version of the book, you must of missed that Andy. :dim:
Sorry Yorkshire, thanks for checking (and your purchase - much appreciated), the donation will be duly upped to a total of £74.

My excuse for this oversight was sorting out another SUEPA signing half way through writing the above message (got over excited).

All sorted.
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