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North and South Korea


Life President⭐
Jan 21, 2007
Anybody else completely baffled by the North' s complete turnaround?

Seeing Kim Jong Un crossing the border into South Korea and committing to a nuclear free peninsula is such a dramatic change.

It all seems somehow too good to be true.

It is one hell of a turn around. Apparently KJU is a lover of all things Western (big lover of Basketball) so maybe life in isolation isn't so rosy.
All down to the Donald.. though i expect that won’t be a popular theory on here
All down to the Donald.. though i expect that won’t be a popular theory on here

Maybe it has something to do with it, the increase in weapons testing & production have probably crippled the already fragile NK economy and it could be that China have got involved on the QT as they don't want the fall out from a war between the US & NK, be it nuclear or conventional.

If it lasts is another matter as the US & SK are going to begin war games shortly in the Sea of Japan and that may undo any good feeling and we could be back to square one.
I'm wondering if this is a ploy by NK to give themselves time to prepare and improve the weapons. Presently I don't think they're in a position to do so.
Wargames in the Sea of Japan will be a ungentle reminder to the fat one, that the real power is not with him, his crap missiles and probably useless nuclear warheads.
That it lies with say 4 nuclear aircraft carrier battle groups stationed off his beach front pad with proven capability ready to redecote his lawn in precision guided weaponary ..
Funny how after all this time since the Korean War, it takes a president to give him the cold hard facts ( without****ing his pants worrying what the Washington post or guardian will say), to get a NK leader to start kissing some arse
I love the fact that Kim has welcomed the world's media (as a part of the peace process) to witness him destroying he's nuclear sites...


Not thinking, that we all know he caused a 5.3 & a 6.3 earthquake within the same month of September last year, when he screwed up his last couple of nuclear missile tests late last year, and it collapsed "the top secret mountain" it was built in!!..... I say top secret, Google Earth, found it quite easily! :smile:

It would be the equivalent of me asking all the Shrimperzone members to join me at the local breakers yard, after I already drove my car off Beachy Head a few months earler & left it to rot in the sea for 10 months!!...It's kind of a non event.

So basically he is inviting the worlds press to witness him fill in he's own **** up and hope that any more radiation doesn't leak out & destroy what little economy he has left.

To be fair, I admire the guy's bravo, my dad always said "you can't polish a ****".... I think this guy actually does think he could.......Mind you, probably the same could be said about Trump.
I love the fact that Kim has welcomed the world's media (as a part of the peace process) to witness him destroying he's nuclear sites...


Not thinking, that we all know he caused a 5.3 & a 6.3 earthquake within the same month of September last year, when he screwed up his last couple of nuclear missile tests late last year, and it collapsed "the top secret mountain" it was built in!!..... I say top secret, Google Earth, found it quite easily! :smile:

It would be the equivalent of me asking all the Shrimperzone members to join me at the local breakers yard, after I already drove my car off Beachy Head a few months earler & left it to rot in the sea for 10 months!!...It's kind of a non event.

So basically he is inviting the worlds press to witness him fill in he's own **** up and hope that any more radiation doesn't leak out & destroy what little economy he has left.

To be fair, I admire the guy's bravo, my dad always said "you can't polish a ****".... I think this guy actually does think he could.......Mind you, probably the same could be said about Trump.

You mean we are all told. Not all of us swallow the ridiculous ever changing news we have been fed about NK in the last few years.

Not been a good year so far for the worlds bad boys. Russia despite their huge chemical weapons secret programme, cant mange to kill two people out for lunch in Salisbury. Assad spends a fortune on adding nerve agent to his chlorine gas but can only kill 75 people. NK manage to destroy their own weapons programme. Iran who have never attacked anyone suddenly decide to launch missiles at Israeli targets and they all turn out to be no good.

The bizarre thing is even if you read about any of these stories I todays Sunday press they will say 'allegedly'
Agree with Matt, If his last test hadn't gone tits up and destroyed the future of his nuclear program he wouldn't be doing what he is now. You can't face off against an opponent if you have nothing to back up your bravado and since he no longer processes the capability of carrying on and expanding his nuclear program he's going with the only option still open to him.
Say again riggers... was there or was there not a couple of huge earthquakes in NK on the same dates, in the same location as they were trialing nuclear missile launches?

You don't **** up launching nuclear weapons in land (in case it goes wrong) The USA and Britain learnt that way back in the 1950's, hence us trialing them in the middle of nowhere within the tiny atolls of the Pacific Ocean.
Agree with Matt, If his last test hadn't gone tits up and destroyed the future of his nuclear program he wouldn't be doing what he is now. You can't face off against an opponent if you have nothing to back up your bravado and since he no longer processes the capability of carrying on and expanding his nuclear program he's going with the only option still open to him.

Personally I think this deal was on the cards for along while. The ramping up and then suddenly peace was a perfect opportunity for both presidents to look good in their own worlds.

For decades now we have bought off the worlds dictators where ever possible. We saddle their countries with debt via nice sounding names like the World Bank, which is actually privately owned. They spend the half the huge loans on folly, built by carefully 'connected' western companies. The rest they plough back into the western economy, NK have a large property portfolio in London.

That country, like half of Africa, is then in debt for decade and even if the next regime default, the loans are covered by us. Look at the Philippines under Marcos or Indonesia under Suharto.
Say again riggers... was there or was there not a couple of huge earthquakes in NK on the same dates, in the same location as they were trialing nuclear missile launches?

You don't **** up launching nuclear weapons in land (in case it goes wrong) The USA and Britain learnt that way back in the 1950's, hence us trialing them in the middle of nowhere within the tiny atolls of the Pacific Ocean.

We were also told that the Russians used nerve agent in Salisbury. But of course I know they did not. In fact anyone with the smallest amount of common sense knows there was absolutely no chance that what we are being told about Salisbury could be true.
Personally I think this deal was on the cards for along while. The ramping up and then suddenly peace was a perfect opportunity for both presidents to look good in their own worlds.

For decades now we have bought off the worlds dictators where ever possible. We saddle their countries with debt via nice sounding names like the World Bank, which is actually privately owned. They spend the half the huge loans on folly, built by carefully 'connected' western companies. The rest they plough back into the western economy, NK have a large property portfolio in London.

That country, like half of Africa, is then in debt for decade and even if the next regime default, the loans are covered by us. Look at the Philippines under Marcos or Indonesia under Suharto.

We were also told that the Russians used nerve agent in Salisbury. But of course I know they did not. In fact anyone with the smallest amount of common sense knows there was absolutely no chance that what we are being told about Salisbury could be true.

I only come on the Politics thread now and again, but having read your two posts above I did wonder if there is anything in this sad old world of ours that you do have time for? Yeah I know it's off topic, but as it's close season,why not ask.
Personally I think this deal was on the cards for along while. The ramping up and then suddenly peace was a perfect opportunity for both presidents to look good in their own worlds.

For decades now we have bought off the worlds dictators where ever possible. We saddle their countries with debt via nice sounding names like the World Bank, which is actually privately owned. They spend the half the huge loans on folly, built by carefully 'connected' western companies. The rest they plough back into the western economy, NK have a large property portfolio in London.

That country, like half of Africa, is then in debt for decade and even if the next regime default, the loans are covered by us. Look at the Philippines under Marcos or Indonesia under Suharto.

its not

Technically the World Bank is part of the United Nations system, but its governance structure is different: each institution in the World Bank Group is owned by its member governments, which subscribe to its basic share capital, with votes proportional to shareholding.
its not

Technically the World Bank is part of the United Nations system, but its governance structure is different: each institution in the World Bank Group is owned by its member governments, which subscribe to its basic share capital, with votes proportional to shareholding.

So who ends up with the profits....Not the governments of each country, the shareholders.

Which is the only company in the UK who don't have to list their shareholders.....The Bank of England.
So who ends up with the profits....Not the governments of each country, the shareholders.

Which is the only company in the UK who don't have to list their shareholders.....The Bank of England.

Profits are put back into the system.

ps The BofE is owned by the Treasury Solicitor. It hasn't has shareholders since nationalisation in 1998.
The North cancels peace talks with the South due to military exercises. So much for the thaw in relations.