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ShrimperZone Fantasy Football


The www.premierleague.com Fantasy Football has begun, the ShrimperZone league has been created (players from last year will automatically be entered when they register their team).

If you are a new player, then you'll need code 1226-522 to join the league.

Being the founder of all these competitions is making me power-crazy! Just picked my starting squad, and it looks quality!!
My squad looks mince. But then when I spend too long analysing it, it turns out rubbish.
ps same kit, except I've gone for yellow shorts!
noticed we all had very similar kits, so i've changed my shorts to pink
I'm in, got a yellow and blue kit to change it a bit!
Drastic Smegheads are in!

Gone for a red & black ensemble. Team is looking good (I say that every year at it always goes to ****), Kights is my secret weapon.
I've gone for the tried and tested Goal scoring defender route with Rooney and Torres up front... I think i've done really well with my squad, but then I think the same every year and end up making wholesale changes come September 20th.
Fabulous. I'm under-18. So i can't win it. What ********. Still going to enter though
So who are people reckoning will be this years bargains?

Any 4.0 defenders who'll be this season's Bosingwa / Evra / Vidic / Laursen / Chimbonda like regular scorer?

And who the hell is teh regular Arsenal back 4 these days eh?
So who are people reckoning will be this years bargains?

Any 4.0 defenders who'll be this season's Bosingwa / Evra / Vidic / Laursen / Chimbonda like regular scorer?

And who the hell is teh regular Arsenal back 4 these days eh?

Insua (6) and Cranie (4) have got my attention at the back, along with Glen Johnson (7.5). Vidic (8) is too expensive, IMO. Jagielka (6) will probably come in when fit, Vermaelen could be a bargain at 6.5

Does everyone reckon Djourou had his chance under Wenger last year? I had him last season for a handful of games and he was great, and scored, and kept several clean sheets. And then Wenger dropped him.

I contemplated Insua. But thought a revitalised and cheap Skrtel might be a more risk free bet?