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Most Embarrassing Moment


Jan 17, 2009
After something embarrassing that happened to my friend recently I thought I ask people on this forum what their most embarrassing moment in their life has been?
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Tut tut young 95, you can't ask the brevren of Shrimperzone to spill the beans of shame without first telling us yours. Bite the bullet and tell us yours and the replies will come thick and fast.
Not THE most embarrassing but...

A few years ago I was working for a US investment bank as a software developer.

I worked on a large open plan office that used to be a trading floor so people were quite tightly packed and I estimate there were about 250 employees on my floor. Work required a great deal of concentration and was generally carried out in silence, the only sound being the clattering of keyboards.

I dropped my pencil on the floor and as I bent to retrieve it I managed to pull my headphones out of the headphone socket on my PC.

As I lifted my head above the desk and desperately reached for the volume controls I was met with 250 open mouthed stares as Illusion by Imagination blared out of my monitor speakers.