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Processes slowing laptop down

Sep 8, 2011
South London
I'm loving my life playing Football Manager 2017 but my laptop is pretty slow.

Can anyone recommend anything to tell me what processes I can safely close to allow me to do my thing?

All being well nothing should be running to affect it and the biggest process will be Football Manager itself.

Open up taks manager and sort processes by CPU and then memory usage and see if anything is running high.
Clear as much rubbish off as u can press the button on the right with the square in the centre quickly twice
Clear as much rubbish off as u can press the button on the right with the square in the centre quickly twice

i'm trying to clear as much of the crap off as possible, the problem is that i don't really know what is crap and what is necessary.

as soon as i load the thing up it's maxed out but I've disabled loads of the start up programmes in the task manager

Have you not considered that your laptop is just **** and old?
that's certainly true and maybe just needs replacing.
want to spot me for a new one?
Remember teaching a group of IT technicians at the UOC (Catalan Open University) some years ago and was amazed to find that this was their preferred solution to laptop problems.:stunned:

Its because it fixes a lot of issues.

Ive worked in IT for 20 years and a reboot has fixed thousands of issues in that time. It also fixed a problem with my washing machine once so dont knock it!

i'm trying to clear as much of the crap off as possible, the problem is that i don't really know what is crap and what is necessary.

as soon as i load the thing up it's maxed out but I've disabled loads of the start up programmes in the task manager

that's certainly true and maybe just needs replacing.
want to spot me for a new one?

As I said earlier, just removing 'stuff' wont help if 'stuff' isnt using any resources.

Open up task manager and see what is using resources. Do it when FM isnt running as that will be the biggest resource muncher.

Heres mine sorted by memory usage, you can see FM is the main cause, but as Im only using 66% its no biggie


Now sorted by CPU.
You can see on mine my main culprit other than FM is my TV app, so if I wanted to speed things up a bit Id close that, although no real need as my PC copes fine.

If without FM running your CPU, memory and disk are low % usage then it will probably just be a case your PC isnt quick enough.
Its because it fixes a lot of issues.

Ive worked in IT for 20 years and a reboot has fixed thousands of issues in that time. It also fixed a problem with my washing machine once so dont knock it!.

Wouldn't dream of it.Just that I was expecting to learn from them something other than what I'd already figured out for myself.:smile:
I turn the thing on, I'm not running anything at all and the CPU is around 40%, memory at 71% and disk 100%.

there likely to be anything I can do about it or is it just old and for the knackers yard?