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Life President⭐
Jan 21, 2007
Now i have always beleived in Ron martin and do genuinely think he has the best interests of the club at heart.

I think he was a business man who saw an opportunity to make a few pounds aquiring a football club and relocating it. Somewhere along the line he found out what supporting a football team is all about.

He became one of us. He enjoyed a great first few seasons , appointed the best manager we have had and enjoyed some memorable moments.

Now as we contemplate being straight back to square 1 or league 2, we are all jumping to blame someone.

I myself have done it. I have cursed ron and blamed him. Yes it is his fault. He fell for our club and passed plans to make our club a permanent fixture on the footballing map.

The problems are he has run out of ideas and more importantly finance.

He has stretched his budget and ideas way way beyond his wallett and expected funding that never came.

I think now is the time to show our support and voice an oppinion on the off the field situation. We have remaind dignified and silent got on with the job of getting behind the boys, but i beleive we have to come out of our shells and get some answers.

If we do things in the right way whist still supporting the boys then i think we have more chance of getting answers.

I dont for one minute beleive that our future( near ) is without Ron martin. He will not walk without serious compensation for money he has already spent, nor will he hand over the reigns to any tom dick or harry who happens to have the money. I do beleive however that a partner could be viable but again beleive that Ron is too stuborn to accept.

My point is this:

Inevitably Ron will come under pressure in the next 3 home games especially if we get beat.

Lets do things differently. Lets show support but demand answers. Lets get right behind the boys and try to knit the management, Owners, players and us the fans. As it stands there is a distinct them and us , with the them being the most silent board we have had in as long as i can remember.

Lets force there hand and do it a positive way starting next week at home to Exeter.

Lets make some banners and maybe get some local press publicity. We are behind the board and the team but we will no longer remain silent and blindly follow the team. We want be included . We have still come out in great numbers home and away and we will renew our season cards , but dont treat us like mugs.

What do you reckon?
All for a demonstration showing our anguish but it's not what the players deserve if you ask me, nor does Tilly who is most likely peev'ed off. Although, i would like to see this song played at the game;


Purely for the lyrics;

"We have to unify and watch our flag ascend"
A nice idea, but unfortunately too many people still believe RM is the best thing since sliced bread
If you don't think that Ron Martin is the anti-Christ then you think he's the best thing since sliced bread, according to graysblue.jr's World view.

No one thinks that at all.

Beefy, Are you joking? If your not joking you're either being Naieve or plain dismissive for the sake of it.

There are plenty of Ron followers on here that have blind faith in him.

That is fact. If you don't (want) to believe it, then don't! I personally couldn't give a toss
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If you don't think that Ron Martin is the anti-Christ then you think he's the best thing since sliced bread, according to graysblue.jr's World view.

Yep, that's what i said. Carry on know-all...
You've told me before that you don't believe in shades of grey. Everything is an absolute, to you.

I've asked you numerous times to name anyone from this invisible majority who think that Ron Martin is the best thing since sliced bread. You never do, but you carry on claiming it as fact.

I doubt you'll find anyone on Shrimperzone who is happy with things right now. I doubt you'll find more than one or two who will say that they whole-heartedly back Ron Martin and don't think that any of our problems are down to him.

I just don't see it. What I see is a lot of people who are very worried about where we are and what is happening but who understand that the Club has been living beyond it's means for years and that like so many people and businesses all over the World this is coming back to haunt us. They also appreciate that Ron Martin owns the Club, owns the ground, owns the land at Fossetts Farm and if/when the move there happens he'll earn a fortune. So unless anyone knows someone who can not only buy the Club and the land from Ron Martin, and give him enough money for it to make up for the millions he'd earn from the move to Fossetts Farm then the reality is that he's not going anywhere.

So until the brown-tinted brigade give us a realistic alternative then I, and I suspect the majority, will sit here is a state of depressed apathy and just pray that we still have a Club to support this time next year.
i think doogie was correct in his interview before he left. he felt that the club had concentrated too much on the long term.
i think doogie was correct in his interview before he left. he felt that the club had concentrated too much on the long term.

If they concentrate exclusively on the long term, there'll be no long term.
This isnt a debate about wether we love Ron martin or not its about wether now is the right time to let him know that we do not want to be kept in the dark any longer and that if he wants our support then answers need to be forthcoming.

If it is the right time then what should we do?
Maybe if that is the message that you want to give him you do as TrueBlue suggests and email Ron asking for a meeting. I'm sure he'll give it to you.

I appreciate that you're just suggesting doing something positive but I'm not sure how people would organise any large-scale protest without undermining our efforts on the field.
I appreciate that you're just suggesting doing something positive but I'm not sure how people would organise any large-scale protest without undermining our efforts on the field

Well TBH our efforts in getting behind the boys is hardly working a treat is it. Maybe us targeting Ron would atcually do the players good as it would show that we are behind them and dont agree with the way the club is treating them.
Oh great, another protest suggestion, another way to demotivate the players.
It's times like this where we need to stick together as supporters, and get behind the team, and protesting is not the solution. Besides, 90% of the time, it falls upon death ears anyway, so what's the point?
I don't think the players would be de-motivated at all, after speaking to a couple of them - they genuinely feel they can't do anything as RM is their employer, however... we are RM's customers, and we can have a voice.
this protest thing, hmmm, does anyone really think that will help the players?
or the management? or find a multi millionaire investor? or make the lenders lend?
i fear there are too many things beyond us as supporters control, so what can we do really?

I don't think the players would be de-motivated at all, after speaking to a couple of them - they genuinely feel they can't do anything as RM is their employer, however... we are RM's customers, and we can have a voice.

They don't like it they can **** off but have they? no strange that
They don't like it they can **** off but have they? no strange that

Are you Vic Jobson re-incarnated?

I dont see how voicing our opinion before or after a game would influence the players during the game, nor do i see it as counter productive.

Maybe something more dignified and less hostile. Like a mass sit in after a game for 20 minutes.

Its not going to affect the players during the game, but it will atrract local and national interest in footballing circles culminating with press interviewing the fans and maybe Ron Martin coming out of his shell and responding.

Im not saying we should do that , but something on those lines.
Are you Vic Jobson re-incarnated?

I dont see how voicing our opinion before or after a game would influence the players during the game, nor do i see it as counter productive.

Maybe something more dignified and less hostile. Like a mass sit in after a game for 20 minutes.

Its not going to affect the players during the game, but it will atrract local and national interest in footballing circles culminating with press interviewing the fans and maybe Ron Martin coming out of his shell and responding.

Im not saying we should do that , but something on those lines.

You know something I don't care either way really I prefer to spend my time supporting the team