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Which nights can you make? We'll go for the most popular one

  • Total voters

Yorkshire Blue

Super Moderator⭐
Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
It's time to resurrect this once proud tradition, not least as we need to formally raise a glass in memory of one more of our own who is so sadly no longer with us.

For those who haven't been before, it involves us congregating in the Ship near Fenchurch St/Liverpool St and putting the world to rights over some ales.

I've added a poll so vote for whichever days you can make and we'll go for the most popular date.
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I would love to get along to the next one.
I would prefer to avoid Wednesdays ( but with notice even that is doable ).
Controversial with the Friday night suggestion there Naps, but supposing we have no more than 3 in any one season it would appear to be democratic....
A Monday? gives us a chance to disect the weekend's action and something to look forward to during the worst working day of the week.
It's time to resurrect this once proud tradition, not least as we need to formally raise a glass in memory of one more of our own who is so sadly no longer with us.

Any particular preferences as for dates?

Any nights easier than others?

Post up here your preferences and I'll add a poll once we've a few suggestions.

For those who haven't been before, it involves us congregating in the Ship near Fenchurch St/Liverpool St and putting the world to rights over some ales.
I would like to be involved, after the 14th April... As I start a new job after that date
How do we recognise each other :winking:

Other than the rolled up trouser leg, we try and hang up a Southend scarf somewhere (hopefully will be warm enough that I won't need to wear it).

Good to see some new names express an interest as the more the merrier.

I suggest we avoid the weeks either side of Easter, so I'm going to put a poll up for week commencing 28th April.

Vote for which nights you can make and we'll go with the majority.
I split my time between chelmsford and the city and would be up for meeting a few more shrimpers, weds is the only day I'm def in the city so that gets my vote