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Planning Updates- All The Latest Details. 28/03/2022

This has slightly confused me as well I must admit. Any experts care to shine some light on whether this is indeed outline planning consent (and so presumably we're in for another long wait and a hearing further down the line) or whether this is the final green/red light.
Its hybrid isn't it- full on what needs to be started near term and outline on some future elements- plan is build starts early in the new year
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Being serious, whilst we want this to be approved we also want decent scrutiny by councillors to protect us from stuff being built inappropriately or dodgy deals getting done. It might be dull but it feels pretty professional compared to many meetings I’ve attended. Most questions are for clarity rather than suggesting a no vote.
Many years ago when my dad was a councillor he took my brother and I into the chamber for a full council meeting. We were the only 2 in the public gallery. After what felt like 10 hours we were bored (we were around 10 and 8 years old) and decided to have our own council meeting. My brother was the mayor and I was everyone else.

My dad had to come up and tell us to be quiet because we were disturbing the meeting.

Having watched this meeting so far I think maybe my brother and I probably helped relieve the boredom.
The bloke with the Man City scarf is asking a question that's already been answered. Even I got that. Jezzz.
This is ONLY "Outline Planning" NOT "Full Planning" which has yet to be determined?

Ruddy hell, how long will Full Planning take!
I believe the reserved matters would deal with precise heights/finishes/layouts of buildings together with things like bike pumps and landscaping and should be pretty quick to get through compared to the much broader outline application.
Blow me...... They are going to move on the the RH bit later..... Are they getting paid by the minute??
Councillors get an annual allowance which covers all hours spent attending meetings and doing their ward work so they are not paid any extra for talking longer!
Additional allowances can be claimed to cover travel if attending meetings on behalf of the Council outside of the Borough but not within the Borough.