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Kacper Lopata

He's a decent player at this level but seeing his attitude with both us and Sheffield, maybe we are best shot of him long term if we are to build under new ownership.
I knew he wasn’t a good character when he kept undermining our young,highly promising loanee keeper eg openly trying to blame him when he himself was clearly the one at fault.
Dear oh dear, a footballer that doesn't know his place. How dare he have ideas above his station and not kowtow to Martin like all the others.
i think he has made a very poor career decision .... by May 2023 he could have been player of the year - a local hero - have established leadership plus playing credentials and be looking for a move to a good progressive EFL club...

Long term he could be CCC by age 25/26 - and close to Polish team - and then on pathway to substantial earnings for the next 5 years - like 500k plus a year.

The way it is his agent will get another bung for getting him a NL club OR he will get EFL as 3rd choice .. It will take him next season 23/24 to re-establish his repuation.

It sets him back BUT the agent gets some pitiful cash - as against prioritising developing the player into a serious cash cow a few years down the line.

I think Kacper will bin off Rehman once he see how this one plays out.

His status as a player as a leader as a character is all diminished.

I do blame Ron Martin and I do blame Rehamn.

I think Kacper is a good lad caught it difficult spot and being badly advised.
Facts are that he wasn't paid as such there was a clear breach of contract. The player was therefore entitled to rescind the contract. This has been verified by the appeal.
I don't blame KP anyone would want some level of financial security. RM is to blame for this fiasco!
KP was our best defender and possibly best player. It is no coincidence that since he has left we have not won a game.
I don't really care and I don't blame him for taking his chance to get an upgrade.

In my time supporting Southend there have been plenty of players who thought they were bigger than the club that have soon discovered that they are not.
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I don't really care and I don't blame him for taking his chance to get an upgrade.

In my time supporting Soutjend there have been plenty of players who thought they were bigger than the club that have soon discovered that they are not.
I don't think he thinks he's bigger than the club. He (and his agent ?) would just like to be paid for doing their job ! Not much to ask, is it ?
I don't think he thinks he's bigger than the club. He (and his agent ?) would just like to be paid for doing their job ! Not much to ask, is it ?
Do you really think he would have walked if he didn't think/know/had been led to believe there was a better offer elsewhere?

Yes he should have been paid but quite clearly he has played the situation to his own advantage.

He is by all accounts up to date with his pay but can now walk into a new club unencumbered by a contract.

Quite clearly either no one fancied the rest of the squad otherwise they would have been out the door as well whilst planning where to spend an extra £500 a week.

This does not diminish in any way that Ron is to blame for this situation but let's not depict Lopata as a martyr here. He had an out and he took it.
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Complete Nob, could have waited until end of season and left/forced a moved.

Self centred prick only interested in himself….not sure his career will go anywhere unless he grows up quickly.

I get the whole Ron thing….but none of the rest of the squad have behaved like this.
I didn’t think the outcome would go any other way.

Ultimately as said this is all on one person. We know that and I don’t blame him for getting out of his contract.

However, his social media conduct makes him look a complete ****. That’s the sort of thing you say with your mates in a group chat. Not on your social media platform. I know it’s different because he’s a professional footballer. But when I am recruiting for a position I look at peoples social media presence. And they can be excellent at the job, got all the skills but if I see a red flag on their socials I won’t employ them.

It’s about character and it won’t lead him in a good light.

My advice to young Lopata is, give the social media ‘jokes’ a rest and ditch your **** of an agent.

I wish him all the best, I thought he would be an SUFC hero, unfortunately he won’t have that tag. He will be just someone that used to play for us. Another Lee Sawyer.
Complete Nob, could have waited until end of season and left/forced a moved.

Self centred prick only interested in himself….not sure his career will go anywhere unless he grows up quickly.

I get the whole Ron thing….but none of the rest of the squad have behaved like this.
Disagree, he had a small window to escape his contract.

I don't blame him at all but for every Lopata that can walk there is an injured player sweating on a contract renewal.
Dear Kacper,

you have no club

you are not playing football

you have no status

your agent is a clown ...

it is March 2023 - the season is done ...

everything you acheived here has been thrown away so your agent can get a quick bung ..

you are better than this.