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23rd November 1963


I'm a Gnu, how do you do!⭐⭐
Staff member
Aug 14, 2009
Westcliff riviera
At 5.15PM on 23rd November, 1963, the very first episode of Doctor Who was broadcast on BBC TV. I was 12 at the time and watched that first episode and all the others in glorious black and white, and then onto the colour TV versions. Whilst still young, not senior school age, I wouldn't miss it. Now. I've totally lost interest as, for me, it was a child of it's time.

Where were any of you, watching or not?
Aye, the usual plan was watching the wrestling, check footy results (dad did the pools), Dr. Who and then The Tellygoons..... Needless to say, William Hartnell was my fave, Patrick Troughton did a cracking job but then went right off it when John Pertwee took over....
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I’m not as old as Doctor Who, a couple of years younger. Can vividly remember watching it everytime it was on up until the hiatus.

When it returned I wasn’t that enamoured with it. Though I have warmed to It over the past few years. During lockdown, I started watching all the episodes right from the beginning. And have done so ever since. I’m just up to half way through the thirteenth Doctor’s tenure.

I suppose I will eventually catch up in the next few months. So yes I will watch the 60th anniversary when I get there.

Disney? really?
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Aye, the usual plan was watching the wrestling, check footy results (dad did the pools), Dr. Who and then The Tellygoons..... Needless to say, William Hartnell was my fave, Patrick Troughton did a cracking job but then went right off it when John Pertwee took over....
Tom Baker to me will always be The Doctor

Jelly Baby anyone
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The burning question for me is whether @Cricko watched that first episode, although given what he claims about his age, he wasn't even an embryo. I bet he's got a Tardis stashed up somewhere though so he could go back in time to watch the first series.
Used to love watching it when younger, tom Baker was my era. Didn't mind the newer stuff. But the recent stuff was garbage with all the virtue signalling and wokeness.
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Not old enough to have seen it in 1963 but a big Dr.Who fan.
Pretty peed off with RTDs decision to have Davros out of his unit, off his life support system, give him legs and pretend that he never got exposed to radiation during the war with the Thals on Skaro

Anyway roll on the 60th anniversary episodes. I have my theory on what's going to happen but we shall see
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Not old enough to have seen it in 1963 but a big Dr.Who fan.
Pretty peed off with RTDs decision to have Davros out of his unit, off his life support system, give him legs and pretend that he never got exposed to radiation during the war with the Thals on Skaro

Anyway roll on the 60th anniversary episodes. I have my theory on what's going to happen but we shall see
Not too much detail there then Webby.
It was the day after JFK was assassinated so welcome escapism from the horrors of the previous day. Remember watching it and thinking it was a bit naff compared to previous BBC sci-fi things like Quatermass.
There was something about Black and White scary television in those days, especially from behind the settee when sneaking a look at the TV series of Quatermass in the late 50's as an 8 year old.
Not old enough to have seen it in 1963 but a big Dr.Who fan.
Pretty peed off with RTDs decision to have Davros out of his unit, off his life support system, give him legs and pretend that he never got exposed to radiation during the war with the Thals on Skaro

Anyway roll on the 60th anniversary episodes. I have my theory on what's going to happen but we shall see
Is that what they are doing with davros? Why can't they leave it alone and just generate new enemies!