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Junior Blues Coordinator⭐⭐
Dec 27, 2007
Well, all thanks to Tinkerbell, what a great night we had at the Cliffs last night. She'd got a whole table and managed to get Steve Mildenhall and his missus with us as well - what a top, top bloke.

Thoroughly enjoyable evening, think we all behaved ourselves and didn't disgrace ourselves at all! We had Tinks and her family, Aberdeen Shrimper and Numphgirl, Miss West Stand and me on our table, Southend_Lady was on a different table nearby, and Wino and the SOL party were also not too far away.

There were 2 notable absentees - one was the compere, so well done to Matt Lorenzo for stepping in at 24 hours notice and the other was someone who really should have been there but surprisingly wasn't - the Chairman.

Peter Clarke won the Player's Player of the Year Award and Jeff won the Players' Goal of the Season. Rob Craven won the Fan of the Year.

All the players we spoke to were lovely, I've no doubt there will be photos up and about in the not too distant future! I'm very grateful to those who finally persuaded me to go! Thanks again to all my table companions for a lovely evening, but especially to Tinks......

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Craven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****ing shunned again ;)

On a serious note though...

Well deserved Rob hats off

As some of you may or may not know Rob does allot of hard work for the trust and for the good of the club especially in the Youth department, Rob has been ever present at there games showing his support and doing superb write ups for the youth that we all enjoy!

Well done mate.
Congratulations Rob and couldn't have gone to a more deserving Shrimper, Scotty as side, and hope you enjoy your crown as Fan of the Year as I have.
Thoroughly well deserved and very smart you looked too young man.
Perhaps Ron was sorting out PC's contract or working through the night marking out contstruction lines at FF?
Think Macca went to Mayhem around 9-30?

To get the ball rolling Trueblue 2010 fan of the year campaign to start soon.
No, I'm sure he was there later than that, I thought they started disappearing about 11ish, which is why we were so lucky cos Mildy stayed with us all evening - and as a result Ian Joyce and Clark Masters and their other halves were around a lot too. Great friendship between the goalies.
Well, Steve Mildenhall told me I smelt very nice! :D And Macca said something I didn't quite catch but which sounded like it included the word "bedroom" so I thought it best not to follow that one up! :O
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Congratulations Rob and couldn't have gone to a more deserving Shrimper, Scotty as side, and hope you enjoy your crown as Fan of the Year as I have.
Thoroughly well deserved and very smart you looked too young man.
Perhaps Ron was sorting out PC's contract or working through the night marking out contstruction lines at FF?
Think Macca went to Mayhem around 9-30?

To get the ball rolling Trueblue 2010 fan of the year campaign to start soon.

lol its cool Paul everybody does there own it for this club in there own way
As I'd got heels on Scott, and was therefore nearer to him in height than anyone else at our table, I think he was referring to my body lotion and perfume! ;)
Well, Steve Mildenhall told me I smelt very nice! :D And Macca said something unintelligable but which included the word "bedroom" so I thought it best not to follow that one up! :O
Was this before or after 10 bottles of wine?
Was this before or after 10 bottles of wine?

Who, me or them? :unsure: I was very restrained, only 1 glass of champagne at the reception (unlike others! ;)) and I think 3 glasses of red wine and lots of water with the meal, and a couple of VATs (as in Vodka, not vat!) after.
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you the type of bird to get horny after a drink?

Not quite like that is it, more a case of being more relaxed. I think everyone relaxes after a drink or two, I meant I was restrained on the amount of alcohol I consumed - very unlike me I know, but I can behave sometimes!
We had a good night too. 2 people from our party managed to make it out with TWO fishbowls - I hope they survived the cab ride to their house. I also heard someone set theirs free in a pond outside too.....

Great night though and Scannel spent a bit of time with the lads on our table and had a good chat with him. We had Dougie Freedman on ours and while he was a bit quiet he did have a good chat with a couple of the lads and Luke said that he had a lot of interesting things to say about a lot of things in his career etc. His wife also mentioned how their son favours Barnard on Fifa 2009!!

Great night though and only just realised that Ron werent there. I wonder why that was. Most others in attendance though and a good majority of the players hung around for quite a while. Certain suspects couldn't wait to get to Mayhem of course.

Have to say I didn't think it was as good as the centenary one on the pitch or the one at boots and laces last year but none the less it was a good well organised night. I look forward to next years.