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tommy tucker

May 24, 2009
Its about time we changed the music played when we score .I would like to hear the ring of fire belted out when we score .Any other thoughts from you lot .
Said it before, the Banana Splits music would be great for a goal celebration.
"Hey Baby" is just bloody embarassing.

As Swiss says, do away with goal music full stop.
If you like it or not a goal music has been around for years now .And if you cast your mind back a while ago we had no licence for said music and when we scored it was like a grave yard .And enter the sandman sounds good to me .
[video]<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/s0GIaJuan9Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/video]
If you like it or not a goal music has been around for years now .And if you cast your mind back a while ago we had no licence for said music and when we scored it was like a grave yard .And enter the sandman sounds good to me .

Agreed....Bannana Splits when we score, cracking idea.....Enter the Sandman pre-match.....most excellent :excellent:
Happy to have no music before, during or after the game - and do away with the bloke with the microphone as well.

As that is not going to happen a nice bit of Elgar's Nimrod does it for me.

I would otherwise suggest This Charming Man by The Smiths.
No music when we score goals, as i feel sometimes it will stop the crowd from spontanious singing when we score our goal, as we are all waiting for the music to stop before we start. So no to music when we score.


Music to be played as the players walk out on to the pitch IMO should be


you know, the music that is played in the film "OMEN", powerful bit of music,

always gives me the eebee geeebeee'sss when i hear it.
and hopefully would un-nearve the oppersition when they hear it.

but i must say, i do like the "Banana Splits" music thou,

one banana, two banana, three Banana four, all four banana's having a game of war, one with a etc....