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NEW FORUM: Like/Dislike? Thoughts? Suggestions? Put them here...

Spaceman Spiff

Attila the Admin ⭐
Staff member
Oct 26, 2003
Kennington, London
Well, we're a couple of days into the new forum and generally speaking it is now working as it should.

Its bound to take a week or two to get used to the new format - anyone who remembers the last messageboard upgrade a couple of years ago will remember the same experience then. However at SZ we're confident that this new board will grow to become the best yet.

We would welcome your thoughts and suggestions - or questions about how certain things work if you're having difficulty getting acclimatised.

I admit that I didn't like it at first as it's hardly unique and looks like the vast majority of other forums; however I am getting used to it and there are a number of new features that I'm discovering that I'm growing to like. There were annoying teething problems but - hey! - that's life ...
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to be honest i much prefer the old board. I always thought that the old SZ was the best forum ive seen becasue all the other ones i go on, the layout makes it hard to distinguish whats going on, and unfortunately thats what i see on the new one. Hopefully i can get used to it though.
I would personally prefer a small box on left hand side detialing who the poster is rather than it going right accross the top of everyone of their posts. i feel it is a bit too much.

but thats just my opinion....
I would personally prefer a small box on left hand side detialing who the poster is rather than it going right accross the top of everyone of their posts. i feel it is a bit too much.

but thats just my opinion....

So would I - need to find out how its done first, but when I do I'll change it

What's happened to the quick post section? I'm sure it was there yesterday.
is it just me or does the pub only ever show 4 threads. I can't see any other past pages :confused:
yeah having the poster details on the left and a quickpost function are what i would like
Have to agree with that...

to be honest i much prefer the old board. I always thought that the old SZ was the best forum ive seen becasue all the other ones i go on, the layout makes it hard to distinguish whats going on, and unfortunately thats what i see on the new one. Hopefully i can get used to it though.
Tend to find myself scrolling a lot more, maybe its the border sizes or something, it does feel like any other forum?
And wheres my thousands of posts count gone? it was my little bit of arrogance to award myself some distinction, like the old ******* in the bar who's always sat in the same chair.
As Waynes world says, we fear change.

I would have to say dislike for now, but that's not necessarily because its worse than the old forum but simply because I've had the inconvienience of having to sign in and register again... and cause i'm a miserable git.

I';d suggest a few things but if freddy can get away with wandering around in a day dream and still getting applauded perhaps doing fu*k all acredits you with praise, :eek: :D
I think the new message board is ok, agree with the posters details being displayed down the left hand side is better. I like the fact that the threads you have read gone from bold to unbold, helps to make sure you havent missed anthing :)
I see Group Memberships have been sorted out. :( :eek:

Although it does still show me as a Moderator!!
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