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Players collapsing

Sandbach Shrimper

Life President⭐
Oct 25, 2003
East Cheshire
Don't want to stray into politics here but it's hard not to have noticed the number of footballers collapsing during matches or training in recent weeks. Charlie Wyke became the latest one today, and these are just the high-profile ones being reported. Not to mention cases of fans collapsing at matches. You have to question why this is happening... :Think:
It’s happened for years, unfortunately. The Guardian published a report in 2018 regarding the rise of heart issues in players


Iker Casillas, Chiek Tiote, Fabrice Muamba, Marc Vivien Foe are of course all high profile names who have fallen victim to heart issues.

As I said, it’s not that uncommon, sadly. There’s a comprehensive list of footballers who have suffered heart issues whilst playing over the years;

Don't want to stray into politics here but it's hard not to have noticed the number of footballers collapsing during matches or training in recent weeks. Charlie Wyke became the latest one today, and these are just the high-profile ones being reported. Not to mention cases of fans collapsing at matches. You have to question why this is happening... :Think:
Who else had collapsed recently?

Last one I was aware of was Christen Erickson.

I remember when James Walker had to retire because of heart issues when he was with us. At least they identified that early and it didn’t have the tragic ending that our former players Mitchell Cole and Justin Edinburgh had.
I remember when James Walker had to retire because of heart issues when he was with us. At least they identified that early and it didn’t have the tragic ending that our former players Mitchell Cole and Justin Edinburgh had.
Yes, you beat me to it - didn't Ron stand by James Walker, paying for tests in private hospitals? And yet some still think he's got no heart himself.
Statistically, the numbers are extremely low. So no conspiracy theory .....
Who else had collapsed recently?

Last one I was aware of was Christen Erickson.

Well I don't know if this is verified but a journalist on Twitter claimed yesterday that 108 FIFA-registered players have died in the last 6 months. Just this week, John Fleck, Charlie Wyke and Adama Traore have all collapsed, and a player in non-league died. Aguero has obviously had to retire because of a heart condition, a Palermo women's player died a couple of weeks ago...

I know these things have happened in the past but they have been very rare. There's no denying they are currently happening at an alarming frequency. Given that heart conditions are a well-known side effect of the COVID vaccine, I think this needs to be looked into urgently.
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There are many reasons for heart conditions so singling out just one possibility is short of the mark. Besides which we're not doing Covid on here any more as that is straying into politics, conspiracy theories, general Covid discussion, take your pick.
Concerning stuff considering a collapse would be a once a year incident, if that. The frequency has most certainly increased in the last year or so.

No idea what is causing it but for the sake of player safety I think we can all agree an investigation is urgently required before a life is lost on the football pitch.
It does seem to happen more and more frequently. I've been hearing of reports of people collapsing outside Amazon distribution centres today. Side effects seemed to be that their hands where glued together in some kind of strange tubes.

As long as it doesn't stop me getting my Black Friday deals i've just ordered.
Concerning stuff considering a collapse would be a once a year incident, if that. The frequency has most certainly increased in the last year or so.

No idea what is causing it but for the sake of player safety I think we can all agree an investigation is urgently required before a life is lost on the football pitch.
Interesting. I wasn't aware of that. Can you let us know the source of this information?
Well I don't know if this is verified but a journalist on Twitter claimed yesterday that 108 FIFA-registered players have died in the last 6 months. Just this week, John Fleck, Charlie Wyke and Adama Traore have all collapsed, and a player in non-league died. Aguero has obviously had to retire because of a heart condition, a Palermo women's player died a couple of weeks ago...

I know these things have happened in the past but they have been very rare. There's no denying they are currently happening at an alarming frequency. Given that heart conditions are a well-known side effect of the COVID vaccine, I think this needs to be looked into urgently.
Heart conditions are also a less well-known (despite being more frequent) side effect of the COVID virus. A US study looking at athletes who had recently had contracted COVID found 2.3% had myocarditis.

In comparison the rate of myocarditis following a vaccine amongst males aged 12 to 29 years was 40.6 per million.
Interesting. I wasn't aware of that. Can you let us know the source of this information?
Observation would indicate that this is occurring in elite sport at a higher rate in the last year compared to others. I'm not laying blame on any reason for these incidents as I don't have a clue about the intricate nature of elite sport fitness.

I won't post sources here as it'll only inflame the thread (even though they're all legitimate newspapers) and I think it's important to keep this open for discussion and awareness. These are the lives and livelihoods of pro athletes after all so it's important.

Should you want me to link them via DM then I will.
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Observation would indicate that this is occurring in elite sport at a higher rate in the last year compared to others. I'm not laying blame on any reason for these incidents as I don't have a clue about the intricate nature of elite sport fitness.

I won't post sources here as it'll only inflame the thread (even though they're all legitimate newspapers) and I think it's important to keep this open for discussion and awareness. These are the lives and livelihoods of pro athletes after all so it's important.

Should you want me to link them via DM then I will.

I'm not sure how to read that. Who made the observation? It does seem to imply this is anecdotal rather than cold, hard fact. (I'm not saying you're wrong BTW, I'm just interested for personal reasons.)

Also, you don't need to message me directly, I'm sure if something was in the mainstream press we're all adult enough (OK, most of us!) to deal with it.
I remember when James Walker had to retire because of heart issues when he was with us.
I could be wrong here so don't quote me but from what I've heard from someone who knows him. His health issues have been quite sadly life changing. I'm not sure to what extent but I believe the normal daily things are quite a struggle for him now.
I'm not sure how to read that. Who made the observation? It does seem to imply this is anecdotal rather than cold, hard fact. (I'm not saying you're wrong BTW, I'm just interested for personal reasons.)

Also, you don't need to message me directly, I'm sure if something was in the mainstream press we're all adult enough (OK, most of us!) to deal with it.
I've observed it by keeping up with footy news as I always do. Call that anecdotal if you want I suppose.

To list the footballers this year collapsing/suffering a medical emergency:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59395982 John Fleck
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59421139 Charlie Wyke
https://www.msn.com/en-ie/sport/ame...st-sparking-concern-vs-real-madrid/ar-AAR6aDA Adama Traore
Christian Eriksen
- no source needed for that I'm sure you saw it
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/footbal...-professional-football-following-heart-scare/ Sergio Aguero
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-58528682 Dylan Rich (FA Youth Cup)
Emil Palsson

To add to this:
German newspaper Berliner Zeitung claimed recently that 24 footballers, coaches or officials collapsed with suspected heart issues between July 11 and October 15 — one every four days.
I'd love to find the source as I read it the other day but the internet is being wonderful at not giving me the right search results. It was also in German and Google Translate didn't make easy reading.

In my time watching football I cannot recall such a number of medical emergencies for top players in a short period of time. Again not speculating on the causes because we don't have a clue but the sources are there.
I've observed it by keeping up with footy news as I always do. Call that anecdotal if you want I suppose.

To list the footballers this year collapsing/suffering a medical emergency:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59395982 John Fleck
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59421139 Charlie Wyke
https://www.msn.com/en-ie/sport/ame...st-sparking-concern-vs-real-madrid/ar-AAR6aDA Adama Traore
Christian Eriksen
- no source needed for that I'm sure you saw it
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/footbal...-professional-football-following-heart-scare/ Sergio Aguero
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-58528682 Dylan Rich (FA Youth Cup)
Emil Palsson

To add to this:
German newspaper Berliner Zeitung claimed recently that 24 footballers, coaches or officials collapsed with suspected heart issues between July 11 and October 15 — one every four days.
I'd love to find the source as I read it the other day but the internet is being wonderful at not giving me the right search results. It was also in German and Google Translate didn't make easy reading.

In my time watching football I cannot recall such a number of medical emergencies for top players in a short period of time. Again not speculating on the causes because we don't have a clue but the sources are there.
Cycling had a similar spate of incidents back in the their PED era…