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Ranking every player of the season by D1versity

Dear Mr. D1versity,

I eagerly watched your video extravaganza titled "Ranking every player of the season". Imagine my disappointment when you only listed the current squad!

When can I expect further instalments and do you plan to go back as far as 1906?

Yours in anticipation

Mr. Crevette (Potted)


PS. As ever, Excellent video, great entertainment. :Thumbs up:
No real surprises.. I’d still keep little legs and wood for squad, but understand if they were moved on. Martin and JD to become coaches would open squad slots, but not wages. Nice predicament to have
Very enjoyable D.Thanks.Think the only player i would disagtee about is WES.Not that he covered himselff in glory in our last match against Rochdale.Thought Noor had a good 2nd half in that game -otherwise might have said the same about him.