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SJP Taxi & Private Hire ⭐️
Oct 26, 2003
Hockley now on loan to Rayleigh
But some of what they say does make sense...

The BBC has pulled an appearance by British National Party leader Nick Griffin on today’s Politics Show at the last moment out of fear that his suggestions for the control of expense claims by members of parliament would find popular appeal.

“Although the BBC claimed that ‘other stories’ had come up, the reality is that MPs’ expenses are the issue of the day,” Mr Griffin told BNP News.

“What the BBC and the controlled media do not understand is that in the digital age and with the BNP website being the most popular political party site in Britain, they can no longer black us out from the public like they used to do.

“It therefore gives me great pleasure to announce via this website what BNP policy on MPs’ expenses will be,” he said.

“Firstly, there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for MPs to have ’second houses’ paid for by the taxpayer. A BNP government will instantly abolish that entire system.

“We believe that parliament should buy a site somewhere along the Thames, maybe in the place of that monstrous ‘modern art’ museum waste in Battersea, and build a Travelodge or motel type apartment block.

“There, MPs can have bedsits, a canteen and a simple shuttle service between there and the House of Commons, taking away their ability to claim all these bogus travelling expenses,” Mr Griffin said.

“As for travel to London, there is no reason why MPs should not be given second class rail warrants, just like the ones that they give to our soldiers going to fight their wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“Finally, for expenses within their constituencies, MPs should be able to claim for accountable outlays equivalent to that of an NHS community nurse.

“In this way, the whole rip-off system, generated by years of Tory, Labour, Lib-Dem and UKIP trough feeding, can be killed off.”

Asked by BNP News how MPs could be accommodated while the parliamentary motel was being built, Mr Griffin replied that they could live in accommodation barges tied up along the Thames, “just like they do when they bring in all the foreign workers to displace British workers from their jobs.”

* The BBC’s blatant bias was revealed today when they put UKIP leader Nigel Farage on the Politics Show in place of Mr Griffin. This was the third day in a row that the BBC has carried an interview with Mr Farage, in what has become a transparent attempt to talk up that party ahead of the June 4th elections.

Mr Griffin also discounted media polls claiming that UKIP was benefitting from the expenses scandal fallout rather than the BNP.

“The reality, as shown by our canvassing figures and by-election results over the last few months, shows that support for the BNP is at an all-time high, with many areas reporting between 20 and 40 percent,” Mr Griffin said. “While those figures are on local level, and may change nationally, the reality is that UKIP is dead in the water, and voters will see through this blatant attempt to resuscitate that party.”

Mr Griffin added that UKIP activists should ask themselves if they are happy being in a party “promoted so heavily by the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation.”
On the other hand...


ANGRY Joanna Lumley last night blasted a British National Party leaflet targeting a heroic Gurkha recently killed in action.
The Ab Fab star branded as “disgusting” the racist party’s use of a picture of Corporal Kumar Pun with a cross through it.
Thousands of the hate-filled leaflets also demand: “Stop this illegal Gurkha immigration.”
They were issued by teacher Adam Walker, a BNP candidate in next month’s European elections.
His party warns of “Gurkha ghettos” if the Nepalese fighters win the right to settle here.
Joanna, 63, said: “The use of a brave British Army Gurkha’s photograph as part of their political campaign is disgusting, especially as he has not yet been buried. A vote for the BNP is a vote against all Gurkhas, against honour, sacrifice, duty and courage.”
Joanna yelled their war cry “Ayo Gorkhali” — “The Gurkhas are coming — outside the House of Commons last month after MPs backed her bid to let all Gurkhas who served in the British Army live here.
Ministers ruled last week that Corporal Kumar’s widow and two daughters can stay in Britain.
But in his leaflet for the European elections, Mr Walker, of Durham, uses scare tactics to demand they are sent packing.
It reads: “The Government would allow over half a million Gurkhas into this country. This will swamp our local housing and the NHS as most Gurkhas are elderly. They would contribute nothing.”
Last night a spokesman for the anti-racist group Searchlight said: “For the BNP to slur the memory of a serviceman who has laid down his life for his country is sick beyond belief.”
Sedgefield Labour MP Phil Wilson added: “This leaflet just shows what the BNP stand for. I was shocked. I didn’t think that even this party would go that far. It’s an absolute disgrace.
Gordon Brown has promised to review Gurkhas’ rights after a campaign led by Joanna, whose father fought with the brigade. About 36,000 have been denied UK residency despite being prepared to die for the country.
BNP leader Nick Griffin warned of “Gurkha ghettos” and vowed to remove all non-serving Gurkhas.
Technology teacher Mr Walker, 39, left Houghton Kepier Sports College in Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear, in 2007.
He is being investigated over claims he used a school laptop in lessons to contribute racist views to online chats.

In my view, the BNP are now, officially, Scum.
On the other hand...


ANGRY Joanna Lumley last night blasted a British National Party leaflet targeting a heroic Gurkha recently killed in action.
The Ab Fab star branded as “disgusting” the racist party’s use of a picture of Corporal Kumar Pun with a cross through it.
Thousands of the hate-filled leaflets also demand: “Stop this illegal Gurkha immigration.”
They were issued by teacher Adam Walker, a BNP candidate in next month’s European elections.
His party warns of “Gurkha ghettos” if the Nepalese fighters win the right to settle here.
Joanna, 63, said: “The use of a brave British Army Gurkha’s photograph as part of their political campaign is disgusting, especially as he has not yet been buried. A vote for the BNP is a vote against all Gurkhas, against honour, sacrifice, duty and courage.”
Joanna yelled their war cry “Ayo Gorkhali” — “The Gurkhas are coming — outside the House of Commons last month after MPs backed her bid to let all Gurkhas who served in the British Army live here.
Ministers ruled last week that Corporal Kumar’s widow and two daughters can stay in Britain.
But in his leaflet for the European elections, Mr Walker, of Durham, uses scare tactics to demand they are sent packing.
It reads: “The Government would allow over half a million Gurkhas into this country. This will swamp our local housing and the NHS as most Gurkhas are elderly. They would contribute nothing.”
Last night a spokesman for the anti-racist group Searchlight said: “For the BNP to slur the memory of a serviceman who has laid down his life for his country is sick beyond belief.”
Sedgefield Labour MP Phil Wilson added: “This leaflet just shows what the BNP stand for. I was shocked. I didn’t think that even this party would go that far. It’s an absolute disgrace.
Gordon Brown has promised to review Gurkhas’ rights after a campaign led by Joanna, whose father fought with the brigade. About 36,000 have been denied UK residency despite being prepared to die for the country.
BNP leader Nick Griffin warned of “Gurkha ghettos” and vowed to remove all non-serving Gurkhas.
Technology teacher Mr Walker, 39, left Houghton Kepier Sports College in Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear, in 2007.
He is being investigated over claims he used a school laptop in lessons to contribute racist views to online chats.

In my view, the BNP are now, officially, Scum.

Not good at all
I'd love to live in a Gurkha Ghetto. All the residents would be brave, loyal and trustworthy and anyone who wandered in and let their dogs **** on the pavement would have their ears chopped off and made into a necklace.

Do the BNP have any details on where the first one will be established?
Charlie Brooker has written a very amusing piece about the BNP's recent party political broadcast - which I watched, on the basis that I've always thought it was sensible to know thine enemy. As Charlie observed:

Nick Griffin's first line is "Don't turn it off!", which in terms of opening gambits is about as enticing as hearing someone shout "Try not to be sick!" immediately prior to intercourse.

Griffin's idea about the hostel is moronic. Anyone wanting to kill a large number of MPs (and I'd imagine there would be plenty of people who'd want to get rid of a few hundred BNP MPs in the horrific event that they ever actually got elected) would know exactly where to plant a bomb.

As usual, another stupid solution from the stupid party. Didn't Jesse Owen prove this argument wrong in 1936, and didn't Obama remind us of that last year?

Griffin's idea about the hostel is moronic. Anyone wanting to kill a large number of MPs (and I'd imagine there would be plenty of people who'd want to get rid of a few hundred BNP MPs in the horrific event that they ever actually got elected) would know exactly where to plant a bomb.

Rubbish Matt utter rubbish you could do that on a Wednesday at 12 Noon at Parliament
Rubbish Matt utter rubbish you could do that on a Wednesday at 12 Noon at Parliament

You've seen how much security they have round Parliament, haven't you? Would round the clock security around Griffin's Travellodge be any cheaper than letting people stay in a flat?

The only utter rubbish is the stuff that the racist BNP spouts.
I think Public Opinion is with the Gurkas. The BNP have shot themselves in the foot with this one. They should be supporting people that have fought for this country.
I think Public Opinion is with the Gurkas. The BNP have shot themselves in the foot with this one. They should be supporting people that have fought for this country.

Agreed fully. I think anyone brave enough to fight for this country deserves the rights to remain here. Why the government seem to want to target them is beyond me really.
The BNP are scum and filth whose only support is from misguided fascist scum, fuelled by the failure of convenional politics in this country which have failed us all.

I once worked with a BNP member and I shall never forget him telling me how the hollocaust never happened "because there was no way you could hide that amount of ashes of dead jews" and it was just propoganda by the left wing. His views (even though it was years ago now) convinced me that we should live in fear that this party should ever attain any kind of power in this country and to pray to god that day would never come.

I will be voting UK Independence at the next election before anybody asks.
The BNP are scum and filth whose only support is from misguided fascist scum, fuelled by the failure of convenional politics in this country which have failed us all.

I once worked with a BNP member and I shall never forget him telling me how the hollocaust never happened "because there was no way you could hide that amount of ashes of dead jews" and it was just propoganda by the left wing. His views (even though it was years ago now) convinced me that we should live in fear that this party should ever attain any kind of power in this country and to pray to god that day would never come.

I will be voting UK Independence at the next election before anybody asks.

UKIP is the way to go, I use to think that BNP was the right choice but time after time I see there message is too far right, UKIP is indeed the choice for me.
****ing hell trueblue you'll be voting socialist democratic party next and having afternoon tea with mk shrimper and osymandus.

But for my view, out of order re: the gurkhas, we should swap them for some of our "own" who are intent on protesting against the wars.
Any person who puts the Oueens uniform on to defend our democracy,has my utmost respect,colour or religion is irrelevant.
Pretty rich of the BNP to jump on the expenses bandwagon considering their record when they get elected as councillors. Out of the twelve that are currently 'serving' in Barking & Dagenham, six of them have turned up to less than half of their meetings. Last time I heard the Council was looking into the legality of clawing back salaries for councillors with poor attendance records in future years because of the problem.