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Transfer News and Gossip Transfer Rumours Thread 2023-24 (Part 2 - Back in Business. Oh no we’re not)

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Do you think we will go back in for players we was linked with whilst in the embargo?

I know alot of shrimperzoners like Colin as our No.1 keeper, personally I'd like us to explore options in this position. I compare our situation keeper wise to Arsenal. They had a great keeper in Ramsdale but because of the ball playing ability of Raya they brought him in to replace Ramsdale. I see our style of play we need a ball playing goalkeeper. Someone we can trust with the ball at his feet, the amount of times our defenders pass the ball back to him he should already be looking to see where Cardwell or Dackers are when he pumps the ball long, instead he's pumping it either to the other teams centre half's or of the pitch.

Forward wise I'd like to see Ollie Pearce from Worthing be one of our main targets scores goals for fun.
Will we go back in for Dallas? McCallum?

Midfield - we need that creative spark someone just in behind the forwards, would Zak Brunt be available?
Have you not seen Collin play ? He is very good with the ball at his feet and more importantly the defence have complete confidence in him. He is getting better with every game he plays.
In terms of clean sheets per game only Woking’s Jääskeläinen is higher (and only slightly) than Collin and Laurie Walker from Barnet has the same percentage of clean sheets. I know that’s not everything but it is at least a measurable metric.

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Justham is an awful long way down that list too… probably % of shots saved would be better. If there are limited funds (or at least a budget that’s reasonable but not unlimited) why on earth focus on an area that isn’t broken?
We need a new keeper becaus Collin will be snapped up by a Championship/Prem club within the next 18 months.

He is going to earn the club a considerable amount of money one day.

We dont need a new keeper right this second mind you!
Definitely think he’s got the potential but not with his distribution his kicking is terrible but one for the future for sure. but agree we could do with another keeper
We need a new keeper becaus Collin will be snapped up by a Championship/Prem club within the next 18 months.

He is going to earn the club a considerable amount of money one day.

We dont need a new keeper right this second mind you!
And sitting Collin on the bench as a number 2 would given this be for this reason absolutely absurd/bad business. He either stays as number 1 or goes. The debate about Jusham is yesterday’s new but if it happened would be as a replacement.
Definitely think he’s got the potential but not with his distribution his kicking is terrible but one for the future for sure. but agree we could do with another keeper
Where has the view that his kicking is terrible come from? It's a narrative that has grown in this fanbase and is not true.

Collin has been passing from the back well from day one in this team, he's very comfortable on the ball. He's incredibly composed, especially for his age. Given he isn't shy to come for crosses and makes some great saves, he has all the tools to go far.
Justham is an awful long way down that list too… probably % of shots saved would be better. If there are limited funds (or at least a budget that’s reasonable but not unlimited) why on earth focus on an area that isn’t broken?
I find that the ‘prevented goals’ metric is useful when judging goalkeeper shot-stopping performance. Collin has shown real signs of improvement in this sense since his return from injury at the end of December.

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Where has the view that his kicking is terrible come from? It's a narrative that has grown in this fanbase and is not true.

Collin has been passing from the back well from day one in this team, he's very comfortable on the ball. He's incredibly composed, especially for his age. Given he isn't shy to come for crosses and makes some great saves, he has all the tools to go far.

That nonsense comes from the "groaners". You know the ones that wait for one bad kick in the wind that goes out near the half way line so no danger whatsoever ever. They do collective groan and mumble something about Collin.

He will then make two game changing saves and they will give him 6 on the post match saying didn't have to do much and some of his kicks were wayward.

A keepers job is to make saves first and foremost. Collin is better than Arnold or Oxley ever were at basic saves. He is better with the back pass and streets ahead of either coming for a 50/50 outside the box

Yes super Steve commanded his area well for crosses but Colin also has good hands under pressure with the added bonus of tipping it away if he can't get both hands on it. I'm thinking great save Collin whilst some see it as a flap....Especially the ones who consistently prove with posts on here they they don't know the first thing about about keeping.
Where has the view that his kicking is terrible come from? It's a narrative that has grown in this fanbase and is not true.

Collin has been passing from the back well from day one in this team, he's very comfortable on the ball. He's incredibly composed, especially for his age. Given he isn't shy to come for crosses and makes some great saves, he has all the tools to go far.
It comes from last season, when it did actually leave a lot to be desired. He's had some excellent coaching from David Martin since though, and people are ignoring the clear evidence of mammoth improvement in his kicking which is right there in front of their eyes every match, and which even compelled an opposition manager to comment on his long kicking quality a couple of weeks back.
Interesting debate on Collin. We have a very experienced GK Coach who is working with Collin all of the time and making him better and better. We have a coaching team and a defence that have total faith in the lad, no mean feat at his age, We have opposition commentators speaking of him in hushed tones, and telling listeners what a good keeper is/ will be. He will make mistakes, we all do, but he's going to be a good keeper.

That lot, alone is enough for me, whatever I read on here.
It comes from last season, when it did actually leave a lot to be desired. He's had some excellent coaching from David Martin since though, and people are ignoring the clear evidence of mammoth improvement in his kicking which is right there in front of their eyes every match, and which even compelled an opposition manager to comment on his long kicking quality a couple of weeks back.

Last season he was not helped by the in vogue kick to the touchline theory. If it goes out that's better than the opposition winning header. Thankfully Kev hasn binned that tactic as of course its nonsense. Dackers or Cardwell are far more likely to make something happen rather than aiming for GSM or Bridge struggling to just keep the ball in play just inside the touchline.
We need a new keeper becaus Collin will be snapped up by a Championship/Prem club within the next 18 months.

He is going to earn the club a considerable amount of money one day.

We dont need a new keeper right this second mind you!
If he didn’t kick 7/10 back passes in the stands I’d agree 👍🏻… kicking isn’t the best
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