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Zone Owner⭐⭐
Staff member
Oct 25, 2006
Hi all, just to let you know we have had enough grief this past 12 months with some wonderful techy guys that thought they knew more than they did and will once again and hopefully for the last time be changing Server providers, The change will not happen until next week but when it does we may be offline for up to 48 hours while the site re-propagates itself on the world wide web.

We apologise in advance for this inconvenience and appreciate your support whilst we make the changes.


How did you know we were going back to him?

Please no not again I get so lonely and depressed without daily fixes of sz, I have no friends or life so pleeeeeeze get back soon. I vowed I would never darken 606 doors again so that would only leave wsv and they seem far too normal for my liking.
Lets hope its after a defeat, as no Shrimperzone is marginally less suicidal than Shrimperzone after a defeat.
Speedy Gonzales indeed........We will probably vanish again for a little while some time today whilst the update to vB is added.