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No ⭐
Oct 27, 2003
The wilds of Kent
In the Sun - talks about his Parkinsons and his life outside football.

By the by, I tweeted the journo Charlie Wyett what he thought about Mohsni, he replied that the other players didnt seem to like him.
Good man and good manager.napster I make you right.some of the senior players don't like mosni.my theory is that Bilel is a threat to some of them and they try to point the finger at his weaknesses rather than praising him for the good qualities he has.he might look naive or childish sometimes but here we have a young player with a lot of potential to play a lot higher.of course he needs guidance but remember supporters are usually right and recognise a good player.
Good man and good manager.napster I make you right.some of the senior players don't like mosni.my theory is that Bilel is a threat to some of them and they try to point the finger at his weaknesses rather than praising him for the good qualities he has.he might look naive or childish sometimes but here we have a young player with a lot of potential to play a lot higher.of course he needs guidance but remember supporters are usually right and recognise a good player.

controversial call that one
Not really mate.body languages of the players at training sessions tell me that Bilel is struggling to get accepted by all group of players.he might not help himself sometimes with his behaviour but that's when the management and more senior players step in and help the player to integrate himself.unless some senior players play in his natural position which is centre-half like it seems the case here.obviously not being fluent with the language doesn't help as well.
Not really mate.body languages of the players at training sessions tell me that Bilel is struggling to get accepted by all group of players.he might not help himself sometimes with his behaviour but that's when the management and more senior players step in and help the player to integrate himself.unless some senior players play in his natural position which is centre-half like it seems the case here.obviously not being fluent with the language doesn't help as well.

i agreed with the most of the post just not the bit about supporters being usually right.
Agree with you.the most approachable and down hearted manager I came across.he worked hard and deserved it.just a bit annoyed about the witch-hunt in the press about Bilel.flipping hell after all he got sent off for tackling not murdering!!lol
Good man and good manager.napster I make you right.some of the senior players don't like mosni.my theory is that Bilel is a threat to some of them and they try to point the finger at his weaknesses rather than praising him for the good qualities he has.he might look naive or childish sometimes but here we have a young player with a lot of potential to play a lot higher.of course he needs guidance but remember supporters are usually right and recognise a good player.

When a player is costing you games because he cant control himself it is hard to praise him for his good points.

Most players would welcome a good player in their side as it means they are more likely to have success, I very much doubt the likes of Barker have much to feel threatened by but every reason to be scared of what Bilel may do next.
Good man and good manager.napster I make you right.some of the senior players don't like mosni.my theory is that Bilel is a threat to some of them and they try to point the finger at his weaknesses rather than praising him for the good qualities he has.he might look naive or childish sometimes but here we have a young player with a lot of potential to play a lot higher.of course he needs guidance but remember supporters are usually right and recognise a good player.

Top post and I agree with you.
Good man and good manager.napster I make you right.some of the senior players don't like mosni.my theory is that Bilel is a threat to some of them and they try to point the finger at his weaknesses rather than praising him for the good qualities he has.he might look naive or childish sometimes but here we have a young player with a lot of potential to play a lot higher.of course he needs guidance but remember supporters are usually right and recognise a good player.

It would be better if he was just a threat to their place.
He is one of our best goalscorers and I would pick him ahead of any of the defenders we have.he is mobile,good in the air and with enough good technical ability.if he finds the right environment that will make him feel welcome and not stabbing him in the back,he is good enough for a championship club.
He is one of our best goalscorers and I would pick him ahead of any of the defenders we have.he is mobile,good in the air and with enough good technical ability.if he finds the right environment that will make him feel welcome and not stabbing him in the back,he is good enough for a championship club.

Who? Bilel? For crying out loud he has had all the support in the world and then some, he has even got a number of fans turning against their own football club in support of ONE player..it's rediculous. The bottom line is we are a Professional football club (just) and we have a chap here who (although has sparks of flair and genius) is fast becoming something that is out of control and at the same time potentially blasting a big hole in our hopes of clawing our way out of this wretched division. Why are some people blind to this? I've loved watching Bilel but I'm afraid if he's fallen out with he's work colleagues then he has no future here.
It would be the same in any working environment as it involves teamwork, no matter how 'bright' someone's future may look if they are being disruptive they are usually given a number of warnings. If the behaviour continues then they will be dismissed.
When Bilel won us the game at Crewe I mentioned on these forums that his team mates seemed less than pleased with him, and got howled at. How dare I.
Good man and good manager.napster I make you right.some of the senior players don't like mosni.my theory is that Bilel is a threat to some of them and they try to point the finger at his weaknesses rather than praising him for the good qualities he has.he might look naive or childish sometimes but here we have a young player with a lot of potential to play a lot higher.of course he needs guidance but remember supporters are usually right and recognise a good player.

Excellent article and shows to me what a good man PS is and we are lucky to have him.
As for the bit in bold, it did make me chuckle:hilarious: