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Bromley Blue

The artist formerly known as the_saafender
Jan 6, 2005
Ok so there are still a few vacancies in our squad to be filled (most notably the goalkeeper) but the new season is drawing ever closer.

After going so close last season and losing 3 key members of that side in Liam Dickinson, Anthony Grant and (probably) Bilel Mohsni what are our chances looking like for this year?

For me I think we have largely done quite well in the transfer market although of course this won't be proven until the new signings start performing and show their worth to their new side. We obviously still need a keeper and some extra bodies in midfield but Im confident in Luggy to achieve this.

I also think people are jumping the gun a little on the whole Phil Smith thing. If you look at Sturrock's use of goalkeepers since he's been at the club he has dealt with the issue of a weak/off form goalkeeper as soon as it has become an issue and I'm confident in his ability to find a decent guy between the sticks.

In his first season at the club he signed Glenn Morris and Rhys Evans. The majority on here expected to see Evans in as number one and Glenn Morris as the understudy. But Luggy gave the pair of them a chance during pre-season and it seemed that Glenn was performing the better of the two at the time so got the nod to be number one and for me did a decent enough job in an average side.

Last season we built upon the shell of a side we had established the previous year and really went for promotion. It is then that Glenn Morris was shown up to be off-form or just not good enough. The jury is still out on whether he just suffered a horrendous loss of form or whether in a side with higher expectations due to the promotion push, his weaknesses were exposed more due to the importance of the games. However Luggy brought in both Luke Daniels and Cameron Belford who both performed admirably and again addressed the issue.

This summer he decided to cut his losses with Glenn Morris and is currently on the lookout for a new keeper. If Sturrock decides to sign Phil Smith as his number one then I would be surprised but I'd also give the player a chance as its the least he and the manager (and his track record) deserve.

Barring any other key players leaving before the transfer window closes then I think we have a great chance for the automatics this year. A core of the side will have been playing together for 3 years now and its that kind of knowledge of each others' games which will prove crucial in unlocking that stubborn opposition defence at home with a well timed run or just knowing where to position the defence when under the cosh away.

What has everyone else made of the summer's comings and goings and where do you expect us to finish this year? Also any comments on any further signings you expect us to make?
My main concern is that people's expectations are going to be very high. This time of year is always silly season on the Zone with people adamant that one signing or another is going to "tear this league apart" or something similar. There are throwaway comments about how the squad is "good enough for promotion" or "the best in the league on paper". 99% of these comments seem to disregard any possibility that any of the other clubs in the league may also have strengthened their squad.

So this season...realistically I think it's going to be difficult, I would say play offs at best for us - I'm obviously hopeful for more but it's a cautious optimism. I think the quality of the squad "on paper - there I go" is probably similar to that of last seasons.....We've made a few interesting signings, all could potentially do well, but equally all have potential to disappoint. My personal opinion is that the loss of Anthony Grant will conterbalance any improvements elsewhere. I think our squad is decent enough, but we are competing with some other decent outfits.....

If money talks, then Rotherham and probably Fleetwood have to be considered more likely contenders than us - in fact something will have to go horribly wrong for Rotherham not to go up. Chesterfield seem to have maintained the solidity that got them promoted 2 years ago and now have a proven goalscorer up front. How strong are Wycombe going to be this year? and what about the other contenders from last season...Cheltenham? Torquay? Oxford could be right up there with a couple of tweaks to a solid looking squad. Gillingham have spent a bit of money under that prize **** of a new manager and they could also go well.

Summing up I'm hopeful we can make the playoffs, but this season Promotion will be a tough cookie.

We need a decent keeper (clearly), if we can get hold of one and maybe some more quality elsewhere I'm hopeful for a decent season.
I was gonna make a similar thread to this. Good read. IMO, we have more quality than quantity this season but just have a slight feeling that we will come up short at one point and will have to dip into the loan market. Can see when we have a fully fit squad us causing a lot of teams problems but just feel one or two injuries or suspensions could really damage our promotion push. Get a GK and two CM's and I think we will definately have another go at promotion. Top three minimum IMO
I sadly lack confidence. I believe we have made a few good signings but I doubt a sudden change in tactics from the get-go which will enable us to see the best of the new players. Square pegs and round holes for me. Not getting into a debate as to whether last season was hoofball or direct football but either way we played LD up top, who gave an acceptable-ish return in terms of goals but may well have scored more with the ball played into channels or through their defence on the ground and to his feet. He was not a man that used his head to any effect and for me that is a prerequisite for a lone guy up front with aerial balls whomping in. There is much debate about the keepers but what has not been mentioned enough is that for a team so long challenging at the top we were rarely dominant. That meant the defence and the keeper had far more to do and football is a numbers game. The more chances you give, the more a team will take and you could have Englands number 1 in goal and still concede. Further more I worry about the amount of injuries we pick up and those that players have when they sign and their injury record. We have a fair few key players, Corr, Phillips, Eastwood etc that may well all be out at the same time if recent form is to continue. If we were to adopt a style that controlled games better then I might have a glimmer of hope but right now, sadly, the jury is well and truly out.
I see no reason we shouldn't go one better than last season, and gain promotion, I will certainly be very disappointed if we do not.

We have steadily improved every season under PS, and hope to continue that trend with a top 3 finish.

I actually think we will finish 2nd, with Rotherham 3rd and a surprise package to win it.
Eastwood is such a key figure. On form I think we all agree he is probably going to be the best player in this division - its just IF he can do it - jury is out for me.

If Corr can stay fit and get some form back that will be massive. The the moment we look very strong CD and CF but GK and CM sorely lacking to make it a spine that looks capable of going up.

I'm sure before the season starts all this will be settled. I'd personally like to see Folly signed as he could be a big strong player in the middle of the park, someone to replace Kalala/Grant. Then someone creative - but it Brogan, Spicer to help Timlin.

"On paper" (:blush:) we do look potentially VERY strong if we sort out 2-3 more players. Got to put us up there or there-a-bouts.
I see no reason we shouldn't go one better than last season, and gain promotion, I will certainly be very disappointed if we do not.

We have steadily improved every season under PS, and hope to continue that trend with a top 3 finish.

I actually think we will finish 2nd, with Rotherham 3rd and a surprise package to win it.

Fleetwood? Maybe wouldnt be a big shock considering how they are going about their business, but still quite the rise.
I think the expectation level is high right now, and why shouldn't it be? We missed out by a whisker last season, and there is nothing to suggest we can't go one better this season - it is right that the supporters should expect us to be challenging again this season, and it is also right that the management and squad feel the same - They have made no bones about the fact that their only aim this season is promotion.

I think we have one area of the squad to bolster and that is the midfield - IF we can bring in the two players I feel we need to replace those that have departed - Grant, Sawyer, JPK - then I think we have more than enough within our arsenal to be right up the top of the tree.

I think if we look at the firepower we have within our squad this season, you're struggling to find any side at our level with as much, and align that with a solid defence - the signings we have made in that area particularly are excellent - I think our squad looks extremely strong for this level.

The only issue I can see at the start of the season is a post play off hangover - that can often happen, and I think we need to guard against that. If we do, then I think it wil be another exciting season.

I would expect us to be there or thereabouts come May, and I honestly think we will go one better than last season, regardless of the route we have to take!
I reckon the squad we have is certainly capable of a top 3 finish, but like any other successful side will need a good slice of luck with regard to injuries, decisions etc.

I do feel that if Eastwood regains his form and stays fit we will have a very, very good season. A lot depends on him IMHO.

However, with regards to Luggy I'm not sure Ron will tolerate us missing promotion next season and therefore this will possibly be make or break for him. Big pressure on Luggy to deliver.

Fingers crossed!!
"Hope" being the key word....
I hope we will win the league.
I hope our new signings prove to make a stronger squad than 11/12.
I hope diggers move onto the site at Fossett's Farm.

Mr Sturrock built a squad from scratch two years ago... He appears to have (mostly) kept the talent and wittled out the chaff during the subsequent transfer windows, and we have progressed. I see no reason why this campaign should be any different with him at the helm. Subsequently....

I see no reason why we can't achieve automatic promotion if other variables fall in our favour (form & fixtures, injuries etc etc).
I think there's a lot to look forward to this season.

I think Freddy coming in for Dicko is a fantastic trade-off, especially if he can trim his bacon and get back to somewhere near his best.

I also don't understand the hoo-hah around Granty - admittedly, I was sad to see him go, but I seem to remember him struggling to get into the side for large parts of the season, and didn't it take him until the home game vs Wimbledon to get his first goal? He certainly didn't deserve 2nd place in the POTY vote, but that's a whole other debate... Plus, I genuinely believe that Spicer will be an improvement on Granty in the middle (assuming he can stay fit, and we sign him) - same kind of player, just better at it IMO.

This whole Phil Smith thing concerns me. I won't bang on about it, but Mark Brown for me every time.

My concern is the defensive midfield position. Since we released Kalala we don't have anyone who can break down attacks effectively in that position. THAT, for me, is where we'll suffer next season.

On the whole though, really pleased with the dealings in the market so far. Without the distractions of Mohsni, and with the benefit of a (hopefully) fit Barry Corr, I don't see any reason we can challenge for a top 3 position. Who knows, depending on who else we bring in, we may even be able to challenge for top spot.

That's my tuppence-worth anyhow.
Expect us to get promoted (I think most fans do) but so will the fans of plenty of other clubs. Fleetwood and Rotherham in particular have signed a lot of good players for League 2. The teams that came down last season will fancy going back up and likewise those who just missed out (Torquay, Cheltenham) will also be confident. I think it will be as close and competitive as last season.

Main areas of concern are goalkeeper and lack of a ball winner in midfield. Also feel we might miss Mohsnis physical presence up top, that we might be a bit too lightweight. On the counter side of that very pleased with Freddy, Tomlin and Cresswell and would be pleased with Spicer and Brogan if they sign up too.
I think there's a lot to look forward to this season.

I think Freddy coming in for Dicko is a fantastic trade-off, especially if he can trim his bacon and get back to somewhere near his best.

I also don't understand the hoo-hah around Granty - admittedly, I was sad to see him go, but I seem to remember him struggling to get into the side for large parts of the season, and didn't it take him until the home game vs Wimbledon to get his first goal? He certainly didn't deserve 2nd place in the POTY vote, but that's a whole other debate... Plus, I genuinely believe that Spicer will be an improvement on Granty in the middle (assuming he can stay fit, and we sign him) - same kind of player, just better at it IMO.

That is correct - but at the times he was not in the starting 11, we were playing Timlin with Ferdinand and Kalalalalala and launching the ball long vaguely in the direction of Dickinson's head with little or no midfield input. Come the last part of the season when we were trying to play something more similar to the game we all know and love Grant was far and away our best and most influential player. I'm sorry to see him go as he was one the few from last year who could actually play football. This is not a dig at Kane as he has plenty of time to develop into a top player, but if anyone thinks Ferdinand for Grant is a straight swap in midfield is sadly mistaken. Still plenty of time to strengthen the squad before the season starts - maybe we'll cut a deal for a couple of Real's fringe players whilst we are in Madrid.
There's a lot of talk about a goalkeeper but for me the important thing is that we've not replaced Anthony Grant yet. Get in a centre-midfielder with some drive and then we can start thinking about promotion. I don't think we're going anywhere with Timlin and Ferdinand in the middle.
There's a lot of talk about a goalkeeper but for me the important thing is that we've not replaced Anthony Grant yet. Get in a centre-midfielder with some drive and then we can start thinking about promotion. I don't think we're going anywhere with Timlin and Ferdinand in the middle.

Got to go along with this, in an area where we were strong, imo we look very lightweight. hopefully PS will bring someone in to play in midfield.