C'mon you Shrimpers
I said I'd keep Exiles posted about the Grand so here goes. No work started yet. They have discovered some more subsidence and the situation is with the Insurers. Mick Norcross publically stating he will not pull out. Mick Norcross has pulled out of Towie and will not allow filming in the Sugarhut as it was getting bitchy and "lowering the tone" of the Sugarhut. He will no longer appear in it. He's negotiating with 2 production companies to film the renovation and a new show like Towie to be called "the Grand". Saturday night the Grand was graffitied with green paint on the shuttering covering the windows. Basically it said "Jog on you Towie fakes. Your (sic)not wanted here and **** off you Towie *****". Charming. Never dull in moment in Leigh. 19/03/13 Graffiti now removed.