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King of fruit.

Mad Cyril

The Fresh Prince of Belfairs⭐⭐
Oct 29, 2003
Flavour country
For me it's got to be lychees despite having the shape and texture of a testicle.

Worst fruit has to be English apples which alway taste vile.
There are no worst - though I've never tried a durian.

English apples can be lovely - Golden Delicious are bland as anything though...

My fave is not actually a fruit - I give you the banana.
There are no worst - though I've never tried a durian.

English apples can be lovely - Golden Delicious are bland as anything though...

My fave is not actually a fruit - I give you the banana.

I was under the impression banana was a herb for a long time, it's one of those smart ar$e things I liked to correct people with. I was pulled up once by somebody with a horticulture degree saying it can be classed as both a fruit or a herb, so I stopped saying it.

Both. A banana (the yellow thing you peel and eat) is undoubtedly a fruit (containing the seeds of the plant: see 'Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?), though since commercially grown banana plants are sterile, the seeds are reduced to little specks. The banana plant is called a 'banana tree' in popular use, but it's technically regarded as a herbaceous plant (or 'herb'), not a tree, because the stem does not contain true woody tissue.

Personally the pineapple gets my vote
Mangoes, raspberries, blackberries, melon, pink grapefruits - all my favourites. I like most fruit although am dead fussy when it comes to apples, my favourite is Empire, I find most of the other mainstream ones pretty bland.