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Life President⭐
Oct 12, 2014
Lots of people now saying the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting early 4 years ago was faked. Just to remind you 20 kids and 6 teachers died.

If you haven't already seen any of the clips that make people doubtful, google a guy called Robbie Parker. Who ever he is, he is not the grieving father of a murdered child.
I was wondering what this is doing in the Chit Chat forum, in the Pub, surely?
In the bin would be my recommendation. Truthers and other conspiracy theorists are welcome to Reddit and the numerous other echo chambers on the internet.
That guy is a 'crisis actor'. There are a number of them that get wheeled out apprently. I was sent a clip a while ago of one woman that was a grieving relative or witness etc of 4 incidents. I'll see if I can find it.
That guy is a 'crisis actor'. There are a number of them that get wheeled out apprently. I was sent a clip a while ago of one woman that was a grieving relative or witness etc of 4 incidents. I'll see if I can find it.

Yes I have seen some of the so called 'crisis actors' in action.

David Wheeler, another Sandy Hook 'parent' fly's around on Air Force One with Obama and speaks at anti-gun rallies. More than a crisis actor, I would say.
To be fair, I started reading a website about this which raised some interesting questions......then it started going on how one of the slaughtered kids was making "devil" signs with their hands in a photo, so I'm out.

Like all conspiracy theories, if you start examining them in any detail they fall apart.
Thanks MK, you have just cost me a beer on Saturday. My money was on Pubey.
To be fair, I started reading a website about this which raised some interesting questions......then it started going on how one of the slaughtered kids was making "devil" signs with their hands in a photo, so I'm out.

Like all conspiracy theories, if you start examining them in any detail they fall apart.

Yes we know there is always lots of nonsense around these sort of things. But as a father yourself, can you explain Robbie Parkers actions just before he goes on camera.
Yes we know there is always lots of nonsense around these sort of things. But as a father yourself, can you explain Robbie Parkers actions just before he goes on camera.

Grief does strange things Rigsby. I'd imagine if this was going to be stage managed, then he'd would have been told to be distraught whenever there was a chance of any press or cameras about.

At the end of the day, if it was a big hoax, what was the purpose of it? More gun control? That has failed miserably with more guns available in the US than people able to shoot them.