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National League Meeting | 13/07/2023

He's not, but he's part of the same group. All connected to this mystery bidder that's going to save us........or fleece us.

Never once said I’m part of any group. Just getting a few bits of info and passing it on.

Many on here said they didn’t sleep on Tuesday due to worrying about the court case, I slept fine knowing we wouldn’t be folding and that we would get more time
Getting all salaries up to date will cost well into 3 figures.

If it was three figures I’d pay it myself. Do you mean six?

We wont be in a league if we get chucked out on tge 31st. Its too close to the start of the season. This happened to Macclesfield a few years back. They got chucked out of the national league and we played with 23 teams that year.

Its not fair to mess other clubs down the pyramid who have budgeted and made signings based on what league they have been told they are in.

IIRC didn’t Macclesfield’s first few games get postponed before they were chucked out?
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Never once said I’m part of any group. Just getting a few bits of info and passing it on.

Many on here said they didn’t sleep on Tuesday due to worrying about the court case, I slept fine knowing we wouldn’t be folding and that we would get more time
We don’t need or want more time; the 42 extra days keeps us in purgatory
I can't see the National League not being gracious with us, and will give us time to sort things out...but with stern warnings. They would have taken note what the Court did yesterday. Also, we're one of their biggest clubs in their Leagues. We are a big draw for crowds home and away, and an asset to the League.
That definitely is in the pro column.

It is one of the ways which fans do influence the decision makers.

Pity people like Martin choose to ignore and ride roughshod over us.
If it was three figures I’d pay it myself. Do you mean six?

IIRC didn’t Macclesfield’s first few games get postponed before they were chucked out?
Macclesfield were 'thrown out' in mid-September 2020, but by that time they had in fact been wound up in any case. That season didn't actually start until 3 October due to pandemic.

For what it's worth, the WUP that led to their liquidation had been adjourned 12 times.
So you would of rather we got liquidated?
I would prefer the business was sold or that the current owner kept his word and cleared the debt from his own funds as promised in court, cleared the embargo in weeks not months as promised to the fans, paid the staff and bonus as promised to the staff… just keeping the club at a minimum functioning level.
Assume they'll release a statement today?
Hope they do, but I doubt it.

They will probably inform the club of their decision and leave it to the club to publish. We know how that will end....

So in short, we will probably only find out if someone in the club leaks it. Then have 50 pages of arguing on here with people asking for "proof"

Hopefully the club put their big boy pants on, own it and announce it immediately. However bad it is.
TNT sports have chosen Dagenham\Southend as there live game on Aug 12.
Hardly suggests that the NL are about to kick us out the league does it.

I am sure the NL, wouldn't have given the green light for TNT sports, to show that game live if that was the case.
TNT sports have chosen Dagenham\Southend as there live game on Aug 12.
Hardly suggests that the NL are about to kick us out the league does it.

I am sure the NL, wouldn't have given the green light for TNT sports, to show that game live if that was the case.
The League don’t get a say in TV company choices and TV companies don’t pay much attention to what’s going on in non league football.
Hope they do, but I doubt it.

They will probably inform the club of their decision and leave it to the club to publish. We know how that will end....

So in short, we will probably only find out if someone in the club leaks it. Then have 50 pages of arguing on here with people asking for "proof"

Hopefully the club put their big boy pants on, own it and announce it immediately. However bad it is.
I can’t see the league publishing anything.
If you publish you are boxing yourself into a corner. Deadlines are broken so often in life in loads of different things.
Ie, the sale could go to the wire. The club and buyer could -provide concrete evidence it is going through, but the payments could be 24 hours after the leagues ultimatum. They may be ‘happy’ to extend by a day but this becomes more difficult if they have gone public.