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Mad Cyril

The Fresh Prince of Belfairs⭐⭐
Oct 29, 2003
Flavour country
I spent the weekend around Little Venice and thought it might be an idea to take the kids to London Zoo.

I can honestly say I have never seen such a lazy bunch of animals in my life (apart from some of the monkeys and the otters) and the penguin enclosure looked like a low budget Wickes water feature that had been installed by the ground force team.

Some of the enclosures made it far too easy for the animals to hide, surely they should be in featureless perspex boxes/cages with a sheet of sandpaper on the floor so we can at least see them.

Worst of all my daughters favourite animal, the tiger, was completely missing which is just not on considering the adverts and literature for the zoo all contained prominent pictures of tigers.

In order to stem the flood of tears I had to promise to buy her a tiger cub for christmas.

Perhaps I'll give the Zoo a ring next June when she has lost interest and I am considering dumping it in a layby for chewing a hole in the sofa or nipping the postman.
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Which one are you Cyril? I'm betting the "bloke" with the "Just For
Men" hair do, the waxed chest and the Argos Jewelry....
Colchester Zoo beats London Zoo hands down these days, and has for quite a while. Even Banham Zoo up near Diss is better than London Zoo - and probably considerably cheaper.
I spent the weekend around Little Venice and thought it might be an idea to take the kids to London Zoo.

I can honestly say I have never seen such a lazy bunch of animals in my life (apart from some of the monkeys and the otters) and the penguin enclosure looked like a low budget Wickes water feature that had been installed by the ground force team.

Some of the enclosures made it far too easy for the animals to hide, surely they should be in featureless perspex boxes/cages with a sheet of sandpaper on the floor so we can at least see them.

Worst of all my daughters favourite animal, the tiger, was completely missing which is just not on considering the adverts and literature for the zoo all contained prominent pictures of tigers.

In order to stem the flood of tears I had to promise to buy her a tiger cub for christmas.

Perhaps I'll give the Zoo a ring next June when she has lost interest and I am considering dumping it in a layby for chewing a hole in the sofa or nipping the postman.

Reminds me when I went to a Zoo in Japan last year and all it had was little dogs in every single cage , i complained but the management told me ' you not having your money back , didn't you know this was a Shiitzu ' !!!!

I'll get my coat
Went to London Zoo in July and we didnt see the tiger either and could hardly see the lions. I dont understand why the penguins are there either when there is that bit down by the petting zoo that the penguins used to be in

I agree with OBL, Colchester Zoo is much better!
The one up in Edinburgh was great this summer past. They let the penguins out for a parade walk amongst the public in a big circle, and one of them stopped at my missus and started inspecting her skirt...

Amazing how alike are penguins and Cricko, innit :D
The one up in Edinburgh was great this summer past. They let the penguins out for a parade walk amongst the public in a big circle, and one of them stopped at my missus and started inspecting her skirt...

If they let all the animals out at London Zoo I might have got my moneys worth.
Howletts in Kent is good fun. The last time I was there I saw Jamie Stuart.

Agreed... Howletts and Port Lymphe are not only good zoos, but they are the location of the kids program 'ROAR' which is broadcast on CBBC. You can also use Tesco Clubcard vouchers there as payment for entry to the zoo...
Used to go to Zoos as a child but tend not to agree with the whole captive animals concept......if it is a sanctuary or it is in the animal/breeds best interest then of course but if it is purely for people to look at them in a cage then it is not for me i am afraid
Reminds me when I went to a Zoo in Japan last year and all it had was little dogs in every single cage , i complained but the management told me ' you not having your money back , didn't you know this was a Shiitzu ' !!!!

I'll get my coat

very good!
If you ever go to Lille, make sure you go to Lille Zoo. It's free to get in, and lots of different animals there such as White Rhinos, Red Pandas, Springbok (well they looked very similar to them), and lots of other lovely animals.

I've heard London Zoo is quite expensive, i've never been, but would love to soon.
If you ever go to Lille, make sure you go to Lille Zoo. It's free to get in, and lots of different animals there such as White Rhinos, Red Pandas, Springbok (well they looked very similar to them), and lots of other lovely animals.

I've heard London Zoo is quite expensive, i've never been, but would love to soon.

IMO Colchester Zoo is as good as London and because its slightly cheaper and closer then it probably gets the nod .