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book review homework help

Yer Blues

Not Always Sarcastic ⭐
Jan 23, 2007

please help. i am supposed to have done a book report for my homework and not have time to do it. have any of you read this? i need some thoughts and feelings as to how it made you feel. if so id really be touched if you could help here.

thank you gang
If this is coursework for your degree at a prestigious university I suggest you do your own work, sonny.
I think you should focus on the sub-plot, a satirical comment on the greed of today's society and the social ill that causes. However be sure to comment on the re-awakening the main character has at the end of the book and that it is a metaphor for how the western world can mend the error of it's ways if it stops and re-assesses it's actions.
oh is it? apaz its really good!

I feel your pain Bob. As a youngster myself, I'm far too busy detailing the minutiae of my multi-layered existence on the chat thread and living out my dramas in public (whilst swearing at people who don't buy in to my pointless self-aggrandisement) to do my homework. Luckily, you only have to write your name with less than three spelling mistakes to get a Grade A these days so don't worry too much mate.
I feel your pain Bob. As a youngster myself, I'm far too busy detailing the minutiae of my multi-layered existence on the chat thread and living out my dramas (whilst swearing at people who don't buy in to my pointless self-aggrandisement) to do my homework. Luckily, you only have to write your name with less than three spelling mistakes to get a Grade A these days so don't worry too much mate.

If only it really were that simple, Rusty.
Why does a picture of Gordon Brown conveying a '******' hand signal come up when you search for an image of Richard Littlejohn? Something to do with the fact he referred to Brown having a "kiddiefiddler grin" apaz... :D

Maybe Richard Littlejohn would like to come and talk to my son then.

But from reading your posts from yesteryear one would form the idea that your son is indeed a bit of a slacker who is lucky to be at seevic so maybe littlejohn has hit the head right on that nail type thing.
But from reading your posts from yesteryear one would form the idea that your son is indeed a bit of a slacker who is lucky to be at seevic so maybe littlejohn has hit the head right on that nail type thing.

Not a slacker as such - he'd do the minimum required in coursework, which is not at all uncommon - but suddenly finding out you've got dyslexia after getting all your results through was a bit of a bummer.
Check out Private Eye, their Literary Review has section has recently started a column by a literary psychologist. So far Mr Tickle's sociopathic tendencies , Cat in the H.'s schizophrenia, Bear P.'s cross-species fostering etc have all been reviewed. I can't recall whether the Hungry Caterpillar has yet, but if it hasn't its eating disorder is surely likely to feature sooner rather than later.
Check out Private Eye, their Literary Review has section has recently started a column by a literary psychologist. So far Mr Tickle's sociopathic tendencies , Cat in the H.'s schizophrenia, Bear P.'s cross-species fostering etc have all been reviewed. I can't recall whether the Hungry Caterpillar has yet, but if it hasn't its eating disorder is surely likely to feature sooner rather than later.

Some acdemics argue that the ''hunger'' alluded too is not an eating disorder at all, but it is symbolic of the caterpillars need to interact and post as often as possible in the live thread.
Some acdemics argue that the ''hunger'' alluded too is not an eating disorder at all, but it is symbolic of the caterpillars need to interact and post as often as possible in the live thread.

:p Well the butterfly is off to work now so you have some peace!
I think you should focus on the sub-plot, a satirical comment on the greed of today's society and the social ill that causes. However be sure to comment on the re-awakening the main character has at the end of the book and that it is a metaphor for how the western world can mend the error of it's ways if it stops and re-assesses it's actions.

I thought it was more to do with childhood obesity...and teaching you if you then go on a diet you could be the metaphorical ugly duckling...

The very hungry caterpillar:
Rejected by the 'greens' and the 'reds' as not one of their own, and having had more than 99 appendages to count on just one year ago, the book portrays a 'pillars fall from society, the negative impact of using up your last precious resources, and the despair that kicks in when you're literally on your last (6) legs. A truly thought-provoking commentary on our all-inclusive society with jaw-dropping insights into disability, racism, poverty, cannibalisation, self-harm and the credit crunch.

"Five stars".... (The Sun)
"The world's gone mad".... (The Daily Mail)
"A cheerful bedtime story".... (Richard and Judy)

The very hungry caterpillar:
Rejected by the 'greens' and the 'reds' as not one of their own, and having had more than 99 appendages to count on just one year ago, the book portrays a 'pillars fall from society, the negative impact of using up your last precious resources, and the despair that kicks in when you're literally on your last (6) legs. A truly thought-provoking commentary on our all-inclusive society with jaw-dropping insights into disability, racism, poverty, cannibalisation, self-harm and the credit crunch.

"Five stars".... (The Sun)
"The world's gone mad".... (The Daily Mail)
"A cheerful bedtime story".... (Richard and Judy)

I thought that was actually the reviews of The Very Sleepy Fish? ;)