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Blackberry alarm call


Junior Blues Coordinator⭐⭐
Dec 27, 2007
Anyone know how to turn off a poxy wake up alarm on a Blackberry PLEASE? Guess who forgot to turn it off yesterday and it's now driving me mad!!!! :madman:

I can stop it mid tone, but don't know how to "dismiss" it and it's going off every minute or so!
It's his work one and he'll have had emails coming in overnight - if I do that, might it not lose them if they're unread?
Ok, be it on your heads then! Having had the alarm going off for 15 minutes it was about to be launched out of the window!
Do you have to hold the on/off button down for an inordinate amount of time or something? I've pressed it for ages and have "turning handheld off" on the screen but it's not actually going "off".....although the ******* alarm still is! :madman:In fact, I might just go and throw it at him!
Do you have to hold the on/off button down for an inordinate amount of time or something? I've pressed it for ages and have "turning handheld off" on the screen but it's not actually going "off".....although the ******* alarm still is! :madman:In fact, I might just go and throw it at him!

A few seconds should do it and it should switch off. Seems like hurling it is your only option Kay.
Went and woke him up :D Seemed sensible under the circumstances, he'll go back to sleep anyway!
A few seconds should do it and it should switch off. Seems like hurling it is your only option Kay.

If the alarm is set, it should turn on automatically and the alarm will still go off. How about you just go to the alarm option and turn it off or put the volume on mute for the alarm.
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If the alarm is set, it should turn on automatically and the alarm will still go off. How about you just go to the alarm option and turn it off or put the volume on mute for the alarm.

Would have been helpful if I'd known where the alarm option was!!!
Which Blackberry is it? On my curve, when the alarm goes you get the dismiss/snooze option. Just highlight dismiss, and click the scroll wheel.

To turn off, go into the menu, and the last option is "turn off" select that.

You'll be fine re emails, with mine the phione tells me about them, and elts me read them, but doesnt remove them from the mail server. Not sure if thats just because I'm using a web mail though.
The whole point was it isn't mine, it was the old man's! I don't have the foggiest how it works but he'd left it downstairs with the alarm still set from the previous day.