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What Did You Learn From University?


Life President
May 29, 2005
Earlier today, I put the finishing gloss on my last ever University assignment. Ever. It's been 3 short years really, I've gained 18 lbs in Alcohol, I'm ridiculously in debt, but I'll have some letters to add onto my name.

I've learnt a lot though, hardly anything journalism related, but more life skills...

For instance, Use by dates on food are, largely, a crock of ****.

Baileys does not mix well with anything.

Papa John's exceeds Dominos in every sense.

The girl who works in the Chinese is 16, not 20.

In terms of £ per Litre, Kegs are the way forward.
Earlier today, I put the finishing gloss on my last ever University assignment. Ever. It's been 3 short years really, I've gained 18 lbs in Alcohol, I'm ridiculously in debt, but I'll have some letters to add onto my name.

I've learnt a lot though, hardly anything journalism related, but more life skills...

For instance, Use by dates on food are, largely, a crock of ****.

Baileys does not mix well with anything.

Papa John's exceeds Dominos in every sense.

The girl who works in the Chinese is 16, not 20.

In terms of £ per Litre, Kegs are the way forward.

Sounds like you have graduated with honours!
Lots, and all paid for by work. I infact was paid to be there as it was part of my working week. Smug*******.com
I've learnt that vodka, blackcurrant and lemonade is possibly the greatest drink ever, the best time to go to tesco is just before 8pm and many other things that I cant think of.
I learnt to find a friend who has a car, because cab drivers don't like it when 4 of you rock up, each with a set of golf clubs.

I learnt that whisky before an exam doesn't help

I learnt that if you do a degree in London, you won't have ANY spare money

I learnt that if you shag a girl nicknamed 'the beached whale', then don't expect your mate to keep it a secret

I learnt that they're some of the best days of your life, and they go too quickly
I learnt:

  • to never leave your door unlocked if you visit home for the weekend,

  • it takes 5 times as long to walk home from town when drunk,

  • if there is a chippy at the end of the road, you will go to it at least twice a week,

  • only cleaning the house at the end of the year is more difficult than cleaning once a week but saves a lot of time in the long run!

  • most lecturers in this country are not from this country,

  • enjoy every second cos it goes too quick
Mornings are overated.

I do all my best work at night.

11 nights out in a row are neither good on the body or the wallet.

Never trust my friends with my laptop.

Living in halls is the greatest thing ever.

Don't let girls write on you with permanent marker, it didn't come off for around a week.

Dragging a shopping trolley up 3 flights of stairs while drunk is both noisy and hard work.

American girls are a little bit weird/stalker-ish.

Volleyball girls have got cracking arses.

Every bird I've met thats from Bristol is a fittie.

I've also learnt I have a habit of falling asleep in the shower.
Mornings are overated.

I do all my best work at night.

11 nights out in a row are neither good on the body or the wallet.

Never trust my friends with my laptop.

Living in halls is the greatest thing ever.

Don't let girls write on you with permanent marker, it didn't come off for around a week.

Dragging a shopping trolley up 3 flights of stairs while drunk is both noisy and hard work.

American girls are a little bit weird/stalker-ish.

Volleyball girls have got cracking arses.

Every bird I've met thats from Bristol is a fittie.

I've also learnt I have a habit of falling asleep in the shower.

Every bird i've met from Medway is Average at Best and a Dirtbag.
I learnt:

* I should have worked that little bit harder

* That wearing a yellow rubber glove does not make you one of the beastie boys - no matter how drunk you are

* Tolerance from an inspirational person

* I could stand on my own two feet (even when drunk)

* Walking costs nothing

* Prague is an excellent place especially when it's your 21st b'day

* Absinthe IS evil

* Who I am
That unless you're doing a proper course at a proper university, chances are that you're wasting your time.

That you can learn more about writing from inspirational friends than from spineless, wet Guardian-munching lecturers.

That it is unwise to accidentally sleep through February

That if you do insist on sleeping with every girl that speaks to you, you may get something of a reputation. And not a good one.

That it is possible to feed yourself for a week with £2 provided that you can exist purely on Tesco Value Burgers.

That it is possible to feed yourself for a week with £3 provided that can exist purely on Tesco Value New Potatoes with Tesco Value Salad Cream.

That you will never again feel so powerful and in control of your destiny, despite all evidence to the contrary
That you will never again feel so powerful and in control of your destiny, despite all evidence to the contrary

Got that right. Other things I learnt:

Samsons had the best chili sauce in Edinburgh
You can walk everywhere, if needed
Quincy is a masterpiece in TV
Irish girls who have not been to England, love the Essex accent
Watching Southend in a Scottish pub gets you respect
Pints of heavy are good session beers
Dancing to the song Saturday Night by Wigfield, is a good ice-breaker
How to cook - which has kept me well in the last few years
i start in september
looks like il be learning lots :)

Where are you off to? Enjoy the summer......my summer before uni was one of the best Ive had as it all seemed so care free. Wish the working world had summer holidays, especially when the weather is like this and Im stuck indoors in front of a computer.
no not 11 a levels ive got like 6 resits in there im only doing 4, well 3 as general studies doesnt count