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  1. palexander

    Steel 'Baller Bands'

    If anyone is interested, I have 10 Adidas steel 'Baller Bands. These are the next generation of the rubber wristband that went nuts last year. These are really stylish in silver and have coloured Adidas logo's embossed on them. They are all also individually numbered. They are dead rare over...
  2. Wireless Internet

    Basically I have a desktop PC which gets very little usage, and a laptop which sees the bulk of the computer usage. I'd like the laptop to be able to access the internet wirelessly, so that I don't have to have a cable linked to it all the time. I'm almost certain the laptop...
  3. C C Csiders

    Most over-rated songs in history

    Listening over Xmas to the Virgin Radio top 500 (or was it 1,000) sent in by listeners, it occured to me that many of those songs that made the list, and always seem to make these top 100, 200, 500 etc. lists are IMO grossly over-rated. As my starter for 10, and sticking my head above the...
  4. KATE MOSS..

    jumped up, overpaid spoilt brat with no concern for others who may look up to her as a role model, a total disregard for the law and sticking two fingers up at the people of this country... . or . . top bird.... ?
  5. Bob Cratchitt

    Site Information

    Due to the issues we have been having recently, we have had to take steps to safeguard the site from crashing. So sometimes when the server is extremely busy you will see a Server Busy page. This will allow the server to stay up during these periods by limiting activity to an acceptable level...
  6. Shrimper2thecore


    With the discussion of Guttridge and Smith, and also Maher and Beno, not forgetting new boy Cole, and when/if fit devistating Gower, i thought, as we all have pondered who plays in the midfield next season. Im sticking to four midfielders, because i can in no way see Tilly not using 4-4-2...
  7. Lions lose

    My missus had the little 'un dressed up in All Blacks gear on Saturday morning and when it became evident that they would win (fairly early on) she took a picture of her and emailed the following to various Kiwi friends and relatives - 'The score is 6-0 to the All Blacks.  I am cheering my...
  8. Vange Shrimper

    Whose your favourite.....

    Sticking with the Bond theme, whose your favourite leading actor for the films? Mine has to be Sean Connery.
  9. Eastwood.....the saga continues

    Latest rumour from Carrow Rd is that Geoff King is not interested in a straight cash transfer,but might be interested in player plus cash deal i.e Paul Mc.veigh plus cash,but his wage demands might be the sticking point.
  10. Player Ratings

    So with 1,000+ going to Sixfields and the rest watching on the box what were everyone's player ratings? Flahavan - 9 - Kept us in the game with two great saves and hardly put a foot wrong (after the free-miskick incident) [MOM] Jupp - 7 - Did what was asked of him Barrett - 8 - Solid in...
  11. Alex

    recall bramble

    its worth recalling him now and sticking him on the bench for grimsby. we need two strikers on the bench, if were losing or drawing etc and swansea are drawing or winning, we are going to need to score some goals. throw bramble on with 10 minutes to go and see what happens. forget about him...
  12. Xàbia Shrimper

    Southend United Ladies

    Scriv, or "Mr Vague", any chance you could provide more information on the Southend United Ladies team? I assume it's you who has composed the nice little piece about their possible promotion, but .. promotion from where?! Could you qualify the article a little bit more? Maybe...
  13. Kenny


    oh dear, upto about the middle of August and not liking it very much at all. The new layout is ok once you get hang of it but so many missing features like not being able offload players by circulating their names to other clubs, Media interaction. I started as Southend and straight away...
  14. Clarky_Blues

    Chester Today

    Went to today's game and I must say I am relived we came away with a point. As the game kicked off the wind and rain really picked up. The Blues were playing in to the wind in the 1st half and Daryl struggled to get his goal kicks anywhere near the halfway line. As we all know Chester scored...
  15. Matt the Shrimp

    Random stuff

    Some random burblings for you: *Our win against Wycombe was the first time we had won 3 games on the bounce for... well, for absolutely ages.  Can anyone remember when was the last time we did that?  And, before you ask, no - this isn't a quiz.  I don't know when it was! *The unusual feature...
  16. Kent Shrimper

    Shrimpers Trust

    Most of you will have already seen this and received the email, However im sure the powers that be (Naps, Leeboy, Mike, Matt) wont mind me sticking it on this page for a bit as i felt it might not be seen by the majority tucked away in the trust section. Basically whenever you buy through the...
  17. Matt the Shrimp

    Sponsors' Evening

    Went to the sponsors evening on behalf of the SUFC Exiles last night for our sponsorship of Leon Cort's shirt last season.  A most enjoyable evening it was too! Brian Wheeler said that Dave & Marisa would give us the signed shirts of our sponsored player and introduce us to the player... so I'm...
  18. Cult Commercials...

    For me, there have been a number of favourites over the years!, one that really stands out though, is the Budweiser Ad's... The Whasssup era, was great. I suspect very few of you were not saying Whasssup at some time  or other... [tongue sticking out 'n' all!] Don't deny it!   The follow-up...
  19. Match Report

    For a newly built team, most Blue fans were hoping for a 1-0 or 2-0 win. However, they were pleasantly surprised. Thurrock started the game well, pressing onto Southend's back line, with Bart G.  full of confidence as Southend's new keeper. he made excellent catches, which made Blues fans feel...
  20. New shirt / Trust question post

    As the starter of the earlier thread I am disappointed that the moderators have seen fit to block further postings. I feel I have the right of reply so here goes.... thanks in particular to Terryinthewest and Andu for their constructive and reasoned contributions to the debate. Some of the...