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2007/2008 Dvd..


SZ's Official Accountant⭐
Sep 25, 2005
Basildon, Essex
The Team We Call United – 40 Years On
The SUSCT are keen to produce an updated DVD covering season 2007/ 2008
and proposals are currently bring formulated. The aim would be to donate a percentage of the profits to the football club. There would be limited match day footage with the lion’s share of the footage being an insight into the “behind the scenes” activities

Well i'd buy it, sounds quite interesting and different!
I'm sure it would be heavilly edited by the club and it wouldn't be the wart's n all coverage we would be interested in. I mean, the club would come across smelling of roses. Would be worth a watch though.
I'm sure it would be heavilly edited by the club and it wouldn't be the wart's n all coverage we would be interested in. I mean, the club would come across smelling of roses. Would be worth a watch though.

What footage do you think would give a "warts and all coverage". What do you want excactly?

This could be a great thread as hopefully it will be passed back to the club.
Player interviews about how they feel at the club etc
Footage of the pre-match stuff at one of the matches and an underground tour of what the stadium is like under there - where we can't go - cos I aint seen it..like in the changing rooms, managers office etc. ;)

I can't think of anything, but IF i do, I'll edit this post...:)
What footage do you think would give a "warts and all coverage". What do you want excactly?

This could be a great thread as hopefully it will be passed back to the club.

An insight into how the club is actually run business wise. Sure, the matchday footballing side will be interesting. However i think that there is a lot of misunderstandings about how the club is actually run on a daily basis by people like GK, Uncle Ron, and even Brian Dear, the ticket office and the ground staff.
What footage do you think would give a "warts and all coverage". What do you want excactly?

This could be a great thread as hopefully it will be passed back to the club.

Any ideas of what you would like to see can be emailed to info@shrimperstrust.co.uk

It will be the Trust making this, not the Club. The aim is to do an updated version of The Team We Call United DVD.
Any ideas of what you would like to see can be emailed to info@shrimperstrust.co.uk

It will be the Trust making this, not the Club. The aim is to do an updated version of The Team We Call United DVD.

Well, first suggestion is re: the title. If it is a sequel of sorts, maybe it can be called THE TEAM WE STILL CALL UNTED.

That title also helps promote the earlier film.
I found the original one fascinating. Some of the grounds (I won't use the word "stadiums") we used to play at! Workington looked a bleak, desolate setting that resembled a pitch in the middle of an area that had suffered a missile attack.

And "Health and Safety" just didn't come into it - as the players trooped off the pitch at Rochdale, they go past the main stand that had just fallen down due to a recent huge snowstorm. Yet there were still people in it!

A real trip down memory lane.

I think an updated version of that would be a good idea... behind the scenes, how the club travels these days, the away fans... although it made me chuckle in the original when the supporters coach stops at Motorway services and the commentary says something like "this is an important part of a fans away trip as it gives them the opportunity to meet fans of other clubs and swap programmes."

The updated version could be the same except the final word would be changed to "punches".