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A request to the Moderators


Blue tinted optimist⭐
Oct 28, 2003
Cloud cuckoo land
Just a thought.

Looking at various posts I see Shrimpboy has 3 yellow cards... I think FM13.127215457687484124 has 2 or 3 as well... as they have been pretty well behaved on here of late is there any mechanism for removing/rescinding them? It seems unfair when they have learnt their lessons for them to still carry the penalties and others who appear still not to have sussed out exactly how to post on here without getting everyone's backs up seem to be penalty free (or very nearly anyway).

Just a thought.

It's a bit like points on your driving licence I guess... be good for a while and they come off (oo er).
It is quite obvious that virtual yellow cards act only as a virtual deterrent.

I say Shrimpboy and FM13 should be taken down the seafront and have their respective yellow cards tattooed onto their respective foreheads.
We'll think about it
whats the score with the yellow cards anyhow?? Surely 2 yellow = red??
Surely ORM deserves a yellow card.

I haven't seen this much dissent since Kevin Maher last opened his mouth.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Leeboy @ Aug. 02 2005,10:37)]you're not far off your first yellow, pal......................
Just take 100 posts off ORM's total, that'll hurt him more than any amount of yellow cards.


Failing that, go for the killer move and hide his armchair.
