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Are you totally lost with lost?

Lost is fantastic. I'm surprised this hasn't been a thread on here before as it seems to divide people.

It is far fetched, it is fantasy, but it's still very very clever. The whole way the first couple of series were marketed really made it stand out. What with the on-line campaigns, HANSO websites, marketing Apollo Candy etc.

I must say this last series is a little more confusing than the others (no pun!), but I guess it has to be in order to begin tying up the loose ends.

Listen to the podcast if you have chance.
I'm starting to think that the twist at the end is.....

there is no end and the creators have just had millions of people sat in front of their tellys for years thinking "I can't miss an episode....I'll lose track of what's going on" when actually, nothing is going on at all.
I love Lost. It's a very, very different story to the one that they sold us on four years ago though to the point where the survivors have been an after-thought this year. It's all about Ben (one of the best TV characters around) vs Jim Robinson off of Neighbours nowadays.

Looking forward to the series four finale tonight.

That bloody Jim Robinson has popped up every since his Ramsey Street mullet days - 24, the OC, Ugly Betty, Lost. I was up in London a few months back and he was on loads of posters advertising Sir Spamalot the stage show and then the other night my mate text me to say he;s in the new Indiana Jones film!

The finale is on in America tomorrow night, not sure if it is on Sky One Sunday as they seem a week behind since the writers strike.
Never watched it, can't see the fuss....

How the hell can they be lost...they have a bloody film crew with them all the time!!
I've watched every single episode, and I think it's great!
but in the last series or so, it has got slightly farfetched in some episodes..

There's a master of understatement.

I've watched every single episode, and I think it's great!
but in the last series or so, it has got slightly farfetched in some episodes..

Series One, Episode one - 50 odd people survive a massive plane crash and theres a mysterious black smoke monster chasing them in the jungle.

Saying that a SciFi show is far fetched is like complaining to the waiter that your soup is too wet.
Look at Friends 10 series and 23 episodes, CSI Vegas, 8 series 23 episodes.

Friends, they should have ended it years before they did, because it was obvious they ran out of story lines and became way too predictable. CSI Vegas is just a great program, which I never want to end!!

With Lost, I never got into it. Tried to watch one episode and I couldnt really watch it so never watched since. The American's have got a thing of stretching TV shows out too far when they should have ended them years before they did.
The American's have got a thing of stretching TV shows out too far when they should have ended them years before they did.

Whereas us Brits would never do that??? Little Britain, Two Pints Of Lager..., Last Of The Summer Wine! - Just three examples I can think of shows that have exceeded their shelf life.

The worst culprit of all, Fools and Horses. It ended on such a high with pretty much the perfect ending to the story and then they had to go and bring it back again for those Xmas specials but a lot lot worse. Shame on you BBC and Shame on you John Sullivan!
The American's have got a thing of stretching TV shows out too far when they should have ended them years before they did.

Completely disagree. American TV exec's are quite happy to wield the axe even in the middle of a season. Any shows that have gone on for 100's of programmes deserve to because their absolute quality: Cheers, M*A*S*H, Friends, Frasier etc...
Monty Python, Blackadder, Red Dwarf, Only Fools and Horses!

Yeah, but they are all 10-30 years old! Us Brits can't do TV any more. We're just no good at it. Our Soap Operas are terrible, our dramas are shocking and our comedies aren't funny (other than Peep Show, obviously). Even the much hyped Doctor Who simply pales into insignificance compared to even an average show like Heroes.

TV is now what big Hollywood blockbusters were 20 years ago. They're huge, they're big budget and they're cleverly written. The Yanks realised years ago that this is the way to go and they put their money behind it. British TV just cannot compete with something as polished as 24 or Lost so it's unfair to compare them but you can compare the writing and acting on Holby City with House, you can compare The Bill with The Wire or compare the very mediocre Extras with the amazingly brilliant Curb Your Enthusiasm and the British shows just don't come up to standard.
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Back on thread - what about last night's finale.

I would never have guessed who was in the coffin, and why is he now Jeremy Benham.

So many "Oh God" moments. Can't wait for series 5 now.
Yeah, but they are all 10-30 years old! Us Brits can't do TV any more. We're just no good at it. Our Soap Operas are terrible, our dramas are shocking and our comedies aren't funny (other than Peep Show, obviously). Even the much hyped Doctor Who simply pales into insignificance compared to even an average show like Heroes.

TV is now what big Hollywood blockbusters were 20 years ago. They're huge, they're big budget and they're cleverly written. The Yanks realised years ago that this is the way to go and they put their money behind it. British TV just cannot compete with something as polished as 24 or Lost so it's unfair to compare them but you can compare the writing and acting on Holby City with House, you can compare The Bill with The Wire or compare the very mediocre Extras with the amazingly brilliant Curb Your Enthusiasm and the British shows just don't come up to standard.

Yeah I agree with that mate British TV is crap at the moment and I only really watch re-runs of old progams which says it all I suppose.

Tbh programs like Lost and 24 have passed me by because I miss the first couple of series' and then I just cannot be bothered to catch up because there are too many episodes, and i don't have Sky One anyway.
Yeah, but they are all 10-30 years old! Us Brits can't do TV any more. We're just no good at it. Our Soap Operas are terrible, our dramas are shocking and our comedies aren't funny (other than Peep Show, obviously). Even the much hyped Doctor Who simply pales into insignificance compared to even an average show like Heroes.

TV is now what big Hollywood blockbusters were 20 years ago. They're huge, they're big budget and they're cleverly written. The Yanks realised years ago that this is the way to go and they put their money behind it. British TV just cannot compete with something as polished as 24 or Lost so it's unfair to compare them but you can compare the writing and acting on Holby City with House, you can compare The Bill with The Wire or compare the very mediocre Extras with the amazingly brilliant Curb Your Enthusiasm and the British shows just don't come up to standard.

The Peep Show, The Office, Skins... all examples of why British television can still be good .... unfortunatley, and all too often tho, our TV exec's have a habit of finding a good formula, and then ruining it by over using it until the public become bored of it