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Being set up with birds


2024, the year of the Shrimpers šŸ¤ ā­
Oct 25, 2003
Right, I've got a problem.

My best mate (see other thread) has been going out with his bird for a fair old while now and her best mate is single like myself.

Now shes a nice girl, little bit big and a bit annoying, but shes harmless and I can easily spend a night out with the three of them like an unoffical double date type of thing her words, not mine.

A few months back the four of us went out and got smashed, and went back to my mates house where we was supposed to carry on drinking in the hot tub but them two went back to bed leaving me and her in the hot tub. Now, a few drinks and the attention she has been paying me finally comes off for her and we have a bit of a kiss in there and end up staying in the same bed without anything happening, her choice not mine.

Since then she is texting me, Facebook chatting me the works. Sometimes I reply, sometimes I ignore. Now everytime my mate gets in touch he says that shes coming round as well and its just the four of us and this is beginning to do my head in.

I brought the dvd round this time and brought "His just not that into you" hoping she'd get the message but it didn't work.

How do I go about stopping them two setting us up, and her to leave me alone on that front?

Does anyone else have similiar stories...
if you're gonna break her heart then you might as well shag her first
I think this question has been answered already... The fact you have "He's just not that into you" on DVD is probably a massive hint that you are infact a raving homosexual.
I think this question has been answered already... The fact you have "He's just not that into you" on DVD is probably a massive hint that you are infact a raving homosexual.

Rented, not have. It was meant as a subtle hint...
I may be reading this wrong, but i reckon BW2 thought he was up for a free and easy shag with a fatty but thought "it's ok the rest of the lads will never find out cos i'll just plough it and move on"

Problem now is the aforementioned fatty is in luuurve with our hero and he's basically ******** himself that his mates are going to find out he's nailed Dumbos bigger, uglier sister and they will crucify him for it until his dying day :sherlock:
Why don't you want to shag her? Just tell her, you enjoy the single life, and don't want commitment, but could do with a ride every now and then.

It it's cos shes fat, then trust me, fat girls F*** like they aint ever gonna get any again....
Why don't you want to shag her? Just tell her, you enjoy the single life, and don't want commitment, but could do with a ride every now and then.

It it's cos shes fat, then trust me, fat girls F*** like they aint ever gonna get any again....

Trust me, I've been with a few fatties, so its nothing new.

The thing is, she wants a relationship, whereas I would just get up to my nuts in some gruts and leave. Don't think that'll happen to be honest.
Only one way to find out. Tell her the manly way. Via Facebook.

Aussi, can you copy on here some of the facebook emails shes been sending you?

Very tough one to call......

On one front I think you need to speak to you mate. I had the same problem a few years back.

Basically my mate (The Pilot) was going out with a bird and we ended up going out on her birthday night. I got chatting with this bird called Jo. Didnt fancy her in the slightwst but she had a massiev set and always been a sucker for that.

Anyway week later the Pilot and I went to a footballing classic game of Crawley vs Ebsfleet. On the way back we stopped at the boozer and before I knew it his Mrs and this Jo turned up. before I knew it everytime we went out she came along.

My mate gave me full permission to do the deed but I just didnt fancy her. Ended up having to give her a massive swerve for months.

On the other side you could just tell her your up for action but not a relationship and see what she says.
Go along with it for a little while, be a little distant with her, let her do the running, let her massage your ego then do the decent thing and text her.

Best off doing the texting as well in the middle of some really random conversation. I did this, it worked a treat. I felt a sense of pride.
I'd listen to that advice - Chadded is an expert at getting himself out of sticky situations.

Mind you, I notice he didn't give his #1 tip of just ignore her until she gets bored - he swears by that usually.....

Used numerous times. Probably the best time I used that was with a mate of Shrimpersarmy. We were in Varsity the night Croatia beat England thanks to those ***** Mclaren and Carson. Anyway, one of his work collegues was in there, and she had a massive rack. Eventually, Shrimpersarmy gave me her number and I picked her up in the pocket rocket and took her to the White Horse for a pint (this was before the days I told them I loved them after 5 minutes, and booked a holiday after 10). Anyway, she was alright, but not my type. I'd have belted it, but frankly, couldn't be arsed. She carried on txting me, but i just ignored her.

Saw her in DDV's recently, and told her the truth. I'd have belted her cos she had a great set of tits, but not much else. Shrimpersarmy maintains it's the funniest thing he's ever heard a bloke say to a bird. I was quite impressed as well. She wasn't.
Used numerous times. Probably the best time I used that was with a mate of Shrimpersarmy. We were in Varsity the night Croatia beat England thanks to those ***** Mclaren and Carson. Anyway, one of his work collegues was in there, and she had a massive rack. Eventually, Shrimpersarmy gave me her number and I picked her up in the pocket rocket and took her to the White Horse for a pint (this was before the days I told them I loved them after 5 minutes, and booked a holiday after 10). Anyway, she was alright, but not my type. I'd have belted it, but frankly, couldn't be arsed. She carried on txting me, but i just ignored her.

Saw her in DDV's recently, and told her the truth. I'd have belted her cos she had a great set of tits, but not much else. Shrimpersarmy maintains it's the funniest thing he's ever heard a bloke say to a bird. I was quite impressed as well. She wasn't.

Was that the one he was belting at the time?

As for the original problem, do the deed then ignore her. Simples.
So you had a kiss and a cuddle while you were both drunk. You went to bed but nothing happened, her choice not yours.
Perhaps she has taken pity on you, after all here you are single, couldn't pull in Ibiza and couldn't shag a fatty while she is drunk. These are all things that you have said. Perhaps you should look in the mirror, get your boils on your knob lanced abd jump at the chance of douible dating somebody who has standards, afterall you are on here havin ga go at somebody who doesn't shag on a 1st date.