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Feb 1, 2007
Although it seems to me that League 1 is much tougher than a few years back, I for one am beginning to think he can with the squad he is assembling and the potential funds available if DB goes.

Thoughts ?
All about goals for me, if we can get the fire power then why not, add McLaughlin, hunt and Piggott/one other then we may have a chance, feel it's more about consolidating this season
Although it seems to me that League 1 is much tougher than a few years back, I for one am beginning to think he can with the squad he is assembling and the potential funds available if DB goes.

Thoughts ?
We will be lucky to get halfway up this league. There are a lot of very decent teams in div 1, if we stay in this league for me that will be enough.
I'd be happy with 12th place finish now, I think the key for next season is consolidation and not go straight back down.

We can get back to back promotions, but in my opinion it's unlikely.
Sorry cant see it, at the end of the day PB is all about the defence - and minus Dan B think we will struggle big time in this League. In addition to which we are not an attacking side, with a cautious man at the helm - mid table would be an achievement imo.
That said the season is still 2 weeks away so who knows but as it stands today, Automatics - no sorry can't see it happening.
Add hunt and two other quality signings then we have an outside chance of a play off spot
Not sure I'd want to, isn't that how we got saddled with ridiculously high wages? Will be happy with a top half finish.
Not for me, I think Brown would be happy with midtable. The gap in quality between the teams at the top and the teams at the bottom now is huge, and massively different to 2005/06. The Bentley money (if he goes) may well be reinvested but I think with the season being so close to kicking off now there would be very little time for new players to sign and gel, and it'll also disrupt Brown's major strong point, which is the defence.
I feel the Tilson 2nd promotion was fortunate , due to the relative strength of the Division at that time, sure we had a good team , but the league was weak, we often mention how unlucky we were not to get promoted with 83 , but that year we won the league with only 82, the lowest League 1 winning total in the last 20 years , and the 2nd lowest Automatic promotion points total in those 20 years (the others were Col U , who were behind us with 79 that year and Forest (2008) and Stockport in 96 with 82 points.

Webbs back to backs were imho a greater achievement, particulatlyas the team had the basis to stay in the 2nd tier
I cannot understand those who do not want promotion this season. Surely there is zero point in supporting a team you hope do not win enough games to achieve success???
I believe this is a very, very strong League 1 and anywhere near top half will be a very good effort. However..promotion? In the words of Kevin Keegan "I would luv it"!!!
Never aim for anywhere but the stars!
I cannot understand those who do not want promotion this season. Surely there is zero point in supporting a team you hope do not win enough games to achieve success???
I believe this is a very, very strong League 1 and anywhere near top half will be a very good effort. However..promotion? In the words of Kevin Keegan "I would luv it"!!!
Never aim for anywhere but the stars!

We can all dream,in football you never ever know what will happen.

If we finish with more than 55 points that is good enough in my book.
No chance of promotion this year.
I would be very pleased if we still had an outside chance at the play off spots come the last month of games.
Also this season I would hope we can make it to the 3rd round draw of the FA Cup, & a few rounds into the other cup comps too.
What are the odds we get Cam U and the return of BBBC in a cup?
Tilsons team had goals all over the pitch- Freddy, Goat, Gray, Barrett, Gower, Bentley. Even Che got 3 goals that season! Cant see the same spread of goals in this team.