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Can someone help me fill in missing areas of Roots Hall


Feb 2, 2009
Everywhere but home

I need some help figuring out one or two area's of Roots Hall for a project I've been doing last 2 weeks. I've been making a 3D version of the stadium and it was meant to be basic but i got carried away and starting putting in lots of detail after realising it was looking pretty good. The inside of the stadium i've put a lot of detail into and some places I'm still not done but I know what's what in most places to finish. Apart from a view places now and I'm hoping someone might be able to describe or even better have pictures. The main last thing I have some mystery with the towers either end of the south stand. In the upper i know there's tunnels that lead down to back wall, but either end next to the last tunnels there some kind of another exit route and i dont know where it leads, also directly below at the very end of the lower south is the exit area but i dont know anything about the way out from it. Lastly it's the area leaving the small family section in west. I know the towers are how you leave but have no memory of how. Also where does the exit out of South-east tower appear. Thank you Ive added some pictures from my 3D to give you an idea of what I've done. I hope I have made it clear on the areas I've described and not confused you ha. Thanks, Dan.
And for information, the exit from the family section in the Southeast corner as it goes round into the west (yellow seats) goes up behind the brick wall you have put in to section it off from the west family section. Both bits join up at the back of the stand and you go round behind the snack bar and past the bar in that corner, and join up with the masses coming out of the West.

I need some help figuring out one or two area's of Roots Hall for a project I've been doing last 2 weeks. I've been making a 3D version of the stadium and it was meant to be basic but i got carried away and starting putting in lots of detail after realising it was looking pretty good. The inside of the stadium i've put a lot of detail into and some places I'm still not done but I know what's what in most places to finish. Apart from a view places now and I'm hoping someone might be able to describe or even better have pictures. The main last thing I have some mystery with the towers either end of the south stand. In the upper i know there's tunnels that lead down to back wall, but either end next to the last tunnels there some kind of another exit route and i dont know where it leads, also directly below at the very end of the lower south is the exit area but i dont know anything about the way out from it. Lastly it's the area leaving the small family section in west. I know the towers are how you leave but have no memory of how. Also where does the exit out of South-east tower appear. Thank you Ive added some pictures from my 3D to give you an idea of what I've done. I hope I have made it clear on the areas I've described and not confused you ha. Thanks, Dan.

Blimey Dan looks pretty good that, when you've done, any chance we can click on our seat to see where we all are??!!
That would be a nice addition to Shrimperzone as an interactive model...

Very impressive.
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately all the pics posted i've got after hours of searching the net. Every picture seems to be either side of that little section in the south ha. I may have to go to a match even though i'm broke just to have a look ha.

It's not as great as you'll hope, it's not 100% to scale but does give impression it is. The seats it just a pattern on a flat slope. I did consider putting in rows for seats but it takes hours and also the more detail it slows the image down. Put I will upload on google when i'm down. the reason i did it was because people have done most grounds 3d like tranmere, chesterfield, colchester etc but no roots hall. mine has tones more detail but still not perfect. i was just doing the stadium but then i thought some basic flats before will give it that roots hall feel. the outside was done very quick just to make it look good looking out. then my dad asked why i hadn't done the clubshop, so i extended few days ago to put it in. So I'm still stuck on that exit area in south, bit of a pain i probably could leave that as it is cos i haven't built the inside of the stands just give it impression it does exsist as you can go through every exit tunnel of ground. it's just annoying as it's the only bit i don't know. you really don't noticed a lot of silly name detail in stadium until you do something like this haha
Dan, why don't you give the club a call, explain what you are doing and ask if they will show you the bits you need to look at? Much easier without loads of punters milling around, and you get to do the tour of the hall.
Personally I think it's rubbish. It's just not accurate enough. Things wrong:-

The hole in the roof in the West Stand is missing.
The wrong coloured seats in parts of the West Stand are missing.
The colours of the seats aren't nearly faded enough.
You've missed out the pot holes in the car park.
The clock on the South Stand looks to be working!

There's probably a load of others too!

(Pretty impressive actually, well done.)
No way! How weird...

He probably wondered what the hell I was taking a photo of.

Hope the cheeseburger didn't cost him too dearly the following day...

I emailed him the link at work but he never replied so must have been busy!

Very funny though! He'd have only been going for a coffee and a mars bar (which I think you are generally safe with! Years of experience...)

Don't worry, I won't show him this - http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/lostinshowbiz/2009/feb/03/celebrity ;)
Those pictures were a great help to me, they helped me fill in a lot of odd things I was missing. I'd love to see the color versions too cos a couple the darkness of black n white fades and blends things together.