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Life President⭐
Jan 21, 2007
Last nights game hit home our lack of depth in certain areas.

Moshni looked poor in defence and prosser didnt work out wide.

Timlin is not our player and may well be gone come january .

Blair sturrock and harris look blunt to say the least and dickinson leaves us going long which we dislike to see.

Johnson hasnt worked and may well leave and corr will probably not play again this season if at all.

For me we have just ground out results and watching swindon attack us last night it hit home how short we are up top.

Can we sustain the long haul with the current squad?

If we can get the liverpool game then i think there will be resources having missed out on a potential trip to wembley.

Miss out on liverpool aswell and i would say that we may not have the finance to bring players in.

Am i being overly concerened or do we really need to add a few to see us over the line?
I'd say Johnson is pretty much going, an investigation doesn't make it look good for him, so that will free up some wages for Timlin hopefully.
Didn't Tara want Blair gone? Maybe Tara will point out we need to let people go to move forward, on the other hand we have no forwards as it is, and he can still do a job at the front. Harris seems like a waste at the moment, but I'm still hoping he can improve his game.
We need another defender I think, possibly another striker, although Mohsni looks more of an attacking player than a defensive one these days.

I wouldn't panic yet, from what I saw yesterday Swindon will be top 3 easily come the end of the season, as long as we can beat 22 of the other teams in the league we'll be fine. I trust Sturrock enough to get us through the season
We need to move on a few, if it free's up wages then release the likes of JJ (Sacked), Crawford and Corr (Will they play this season??). Also, although it won't happen, releasing Blair is an option as on a monthly rolling contract I think.

At present, I say we need another creative midfielder/wideman and a pacey forward.

If we can, by hook or by crook we also need to get Timlin on board too.

A Liverpool match would generate some much needed funds, if this match doesn't happen then it may be a case of selling Ferdinand (if price is right), for me I am not that keen anyways.

On the note of Mohsni, he has to be a back up player for up top or even out wide but please nowhere near our defence ever again.
Theres a lot of decent teams in this league


We need to keep picking up points !!
I would strengthen. We looked lacking without Timlin last night, and the front two didnt work well together as they did in second half the other day
Whilst I think Sturrocks argument of "not bringing in players to upset the current unwinning squad" has been sound up till now, It feels to me that its time to freshen things up a bit. More competition for places, more energy and depth coming off the bench is required. we've still got a long way to go, and yes we're top of the league, but things soon change in football. I would imagine even the people that think our current squad can go "all the way" would not argue with the addition of a pacey goalpoacher, and another creative midfielder.
Agree with the general consensus that we need a goalpoacher. Would love to see another shrewd buy like when we picked up Eastwood.

IMO whoever it is needs to be young and quick who can partner and older experienced guy like Harris. It worked so well with the Goat and Eastwood!
Agree with the general consensus that we need a goalpoacher. Would love to see another shrewd buy like when we picked up Eastwood.

IMO whoever it is needs to be young and quick who can partner and older experienced guy like Harris. It worked so well with the Goat and Eastwood!

Bring Eastwood back....problem solved
The next month will find out what we are made of .I beleve we will bring in fresh faces in jan .And maybe not Timlin I dont rally care if we dont beat Oldham next week .Dont get me wrong it would be nice but we dont get points for cup wins .And the longer the cup run the more games will get backed up .And we know what happens when we get a fixture back log with a small squad . Lets just hope we either battle foe a point on sataday or better still sneak a win to keep the pressure up on the chaseing pack .
The next month will find out what we are made of .I beleve we will bring in fresh faces in jan .And maybe not Timlin I dont rally care if we dont beat Oldham next week .Dont get me wrong it would be nice but we dont get points for cup wins .And the longer the cup run the more games will get backed up .And we know what happens when we get a fixture back log with a small squad . Lets just hope we either battle foe a point on sataday or better still sneak a win to keep the pressure up on the chaseing pack .

We don't get points for cup wins, but beating Oldham would give us a cash windfall of more than £400,000 and lets face it we need the money. It's only the 3rd round, it would only be one game that needs to be rearranged.
We don't get points for cup wins, but beating Oldham would give us a cash windfall of more than £400,000 and lets face it we need the money. It's only the 3rd round, it would only be one game that needs to be rearranged.
too right, FA Cup is no drain matches wise as we already have to play Oldham and round 3 we can assume is our last match with a big payout and a big day out. If it turned out to be more than that NO ONE would be complaining about match congestion.
I'd imagine come January we will see Ferdinand sold for a fairly decent amount due to his form.
Then we can look to bring in Timlin on a permanent basis, maybe tempt Daniels into a signing as he will not get a look in at WBA.
Lots of good strikers out there but maybe go for young Robert Hall on loan from the hammers pacey, has scored for oxford and would be a good partner to dickenson.
Or if we can get him why not bring Freddy back but realistically we are not going to be able to match his wage demands in league 2
I fear ( and something I have heard) and not wishing to upset people is that Kane will be sold to make way for Timlin and that Charlton will offer us a sizeable fee plus a forward in Paul Benson for Ryan Hall in return. I've also been told by a Col U friend of mine that Bilel has been tracked by them. Our squad to be supplemented with another two or three loanees. Just what I've Heard.
Cant see bilel going to the scum as they would need to part with 300k+ for that to happen and robbie cowling has pulled the financial plug
I fear ( and something I have heard) and not wishing to upset people is that Kane will be sold to make way for Timlin and that Charlton will offer us a sizeable fee plus a forward in Paul Benson for Ryan Hall in return. I've also been told by a Col U friend of mine that Bilel has been tracked by them. Our squad to be supplemented with another two or three loanees. Just what I've Heard.

I can see Ferdinand going as we have others in the middle but letting Hall go would be the most stupid thing we have ever done and from what I have heard he is going nowhere. Benson had a chance to come here recently but we could not match his wages. There was no talk then about any long term deal involving Hall and as we know Swindon offered to pay all of his wages but messed up on the paperwork side...I can see them going for him again in Jan.Bilel to the Scum is laughable, I don't think Tara would want to be on the end of so much abuse.