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Floval Flyer

Licensed to ill⭐
Jul 6, 2010
Leigh On Sea
In case you wondered, yes I’m bored...

Couple of of pics from McGlashans twitter feed, someone’s gotta be able come up with some decent captions for these two;



(how can i make these pics bigger>?)
Pic 1. 'Identity parades are all well and good but I can't quite decide between the one on the left and the one on the right. They all look the same to me in that get up!'

Pic 2. 'Brace yourself. It's going to hurt you a lot more than me.'
(how can i make these pics bigger>?)

Here you go.



Clarkson: "Listen closely, your on a final warning McGlashan !!.... if i catch you dipping into my half time KFC Family feast bucket once more, the next time you get knocked down, you ain't getting back up!!..Comprende?".

Clarkson "Did you know that my favourite film is The Deliverence? And, er I’ve got it on DVD back at my flat...”
Clarkson is saying........So, if I had 27 pukka pies in my kit bag at the start of the game, how many do you think i have left now......and no you can't have it

Look at my finger without moving your head.

Keep looking at my finger and breathe deeply.

The finger, look at the finger.

Keep looking at the finger.

Just watch the finger and breathe slowly.

You're starting to feel drowsy.

Right, you're under. Your name's now Ricky Otto and you beat right backs for fun.

According to celebrity Southend fan Alison Moyet, what direction is the only way?