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Chemmy Alcott


Feb 2, 2004
Watching Ski Sunday this afternoon, and there in front of my eyes Britain's number one female skier. What a babe! A true ice maiden ;)

Watching Skiing has never been so much fun....:)




Blimey O'Riley :eek: I wouldn't mind sliding down her slope......She's got that 'butter wouldn't melt' kinda look.
Unlike those other two in ORM's poll, both of which I wouldn't touch with a rusty one.

My boyfriend knows her brother Rufus - I can try and get you an introduction!! ;)
Blimey O'Riley :eek: I wouldn't mind sliding down her slope......She's got that 'butter wouldn't melt' kinda look.
Unlike those other two in ORM's poll, both of which I wouldn't touch with a rusty one.

My boyfriend knows her brother Rufus - I can try and get you an introduction!! ;)

As much as that thought appeals to me I fear that in reality any slope sliding on my part with the lovely Miss Alcott would, without doubt, result in an inevitable mild stroke and many months of 'if only' thoughts.

Many thanks for the offer though ;)
Talking of Chemmy Alcott, I was reading something about her best friend on the Ski circuit in one of the trashy papers (think it was the Sunday Times courting the Sunday Hellograph readers). The memorable bit was when she said that lingerie modelling was her "calling in life".

Haven't heard Alcott interviewed, but I'm guessing I'd need Robert Redford to do the subtitles.
Talking of Chemmy Alcott, I was reading something about her best friend on the Ski circuit in one of the trashy papers (think it was the Sunday Times courting the Sunday Hellograph readers). The memorable bit was when she said that lingerie modelling was her "calling in life".

Haven't heard Alcott interviewed, but I'm guessing I'd need Robert Redford to do the subtitles.

Julia Mancuso? That was in the Sunday Times
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Blimey that was quick, but yep that's her. I thought you were a Grauniad/Observer man?
Blimey that was quick, but yep that's her. I thought you were a Grauniad/Observer man?

Not on a Sunday, unless the Observer brings out their sports monthly, which I might purchase.

The Sunday Times is quality - Winners' Dinners, Mrs Mills, AA Gill, Jeremy Clarkson, what's not to like? Plus their sports section is one of the best of the Sundays' lot.
Not on a Sunday, unless the Observer brings out their sports monthly, which I might purchase.

The Sunday Times is quality - Winners' Dinners, Mrs Mills, AA Gill, Jeremy Clarkson, what's not to like? Plus their sports section is one of the best of the Sundays' lot.

Plus plenty of gratuitous pictures of posh totty. What what!

I agree that their sports section is by far and away the best (although OSM is pretty good its not a weekly).

The Sunday Torygraph's sport section use to give it a run for its money, but I'd rather read reports and profiles than celebrity ghostwritten columns (Lineker, Hansen etc - I'll exclude Atherton though who writes his own).