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Life President
Jun 16, 2008
Anyone know what the bizz was with the stewards in the South Upper?
Anyone know what the bizz was with the stewards in the South Upper?
i asked a supervisor on way out and he said that someone had taken offence to the abuse being given to McCormick and it had kicked off, according to him , it was hand bags, I wasn't there , so can't comment
I could see the after effects but not what caused it.

I wouldnt criticise anyone abusing him, but if someone was being over the top and upsetting those around can understand why they might have stopped it. Then I didnt hear what was said so cant say if it was over the top or not.

I think McCormick got the message though, nice of him to give the thumbs up to being called a murderer. ****.
Some of the chanting aimed at McCormick went too far for some of those sitting there and they found it offensive and not suitable considering there were children in there too. They took exception and let those chanting know - stewards went to intervene and "mediate".
Things started to get rambunctious after a couple of chaps decided to confront some members of the crowd who were heckling Mccormick. I believe the general complaint was surrounding their disgust at using something so tragic as a football chant. But I can't be one hundred percent sure. Abuse started flying amongst the home crowd and inter-fan relations were strained as a civil war of words erupted! Then a steward took them aside and must have had some words about what was going on, however there didn't seem to be any ejections and nothing much happened after that.
What made me laugh were the Oxford fans support of him, have none of them got kids? Guess it is one of those situations where if he's on your team you support him, the other 91 teams detest him!
I was told by a steward in the south lower five people were kicked out
I think you may have been misinformed. I was In the south upper and saw no one escorted out. It was commotion over nothing. Some people stating their views of which ONE person did mot like because he could not hear the game!
Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion. It is called free speech , and as far as I can remember we are allowed this in this country.
What made me laugh were the Oxford fans support of him, have none of them got kids? Guess it is one of those situations where if he's on your team you support him, the other 91 teams detest him!

I read somewhere they were going to boycott the game! Obviously not!
there was better support FOR the team at Chesterfield last week and we were generally out sung by Oxford until we grabbed the goal...all the attention for an opposition player seemed to drain people when it came to singing our songs.

Comedy gold moment today was the "we don't drink when we drive" chant, only for me to look around at the crowd in North Bank... I doubt most are of legal age anyway. I will have to pay more attention next time I am driving on the a127.

Did noitice that the "all clap your hands if your going to Orient" chant was not very well responded to....ummmm

Did say to my son just before we scored that we might nick it at the end again...six points in the last 2 games has definitely got us back on track in the league. Smith is definitely starting to show the form his pedigree suggested and I do like the look of Reeves. Cresswell is a colossus in defence.

Looking forward to Tuesday and hopefully one of our loudest away days of the season!!!!!!!
I was sitting in J block in the south upper. The chants were quite vocal but did not contain any swear words and their keeper will come across far worse abuse at matches in the future. The commotion was when a man in his forties in a red jacket sitting in the front row of the adjoining block decided to get up and come over to J block quite aggressively telling people to stop. He stood in the gangway and had full and frank exchange of views with three or four people as did a man at the back of the stand. No blows were exchanged but the steward was probably right to call for back up.

By the time the four security men and two stewards in white coats turned up, it had pretty much calmed down and the man in the red jacket had wisely returned to his seat.

However the security men had been asked to remove one person in J block which caused a problem when he refused and about a dozen or so of his mates decided to intervene on his behalf. Faced with the stand off and the need to get back to the North Bank common sense prevailed and they departed.

Storm in a teacup at the end of the day.
You ask why does the club back there keeper .I think you find its not a case of stewards or the club backing this man . They don't have any option but to try to keep order be it right or wrong .What the stewards think don't come into it they are payed to keep order .Some do it well so go over the top .
You ask why does the club back there keeper .I think youfind its not a case of stewards or the club backing this man . They don't have any option but to try to keep order be it right or wrong .What the stewards think don't come into it they are payed to keep order .Some do it well so go over the top .

Please go back to school and learn how to write, punctuate and use words in sentences grammatically.
Just and idea old chap.
I think Mccormick got off very lightly. to suggest we were quiet because we were concentrating on abusing him is ludicrous. He got a few 'murdrrer' chants and that was it. Barely anything from the South Upper 2nd half. We were quiet because it was an uninspiring game