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Diane Abbott

Benfleet A1

Hector Of The House
Jan 19, 2007
Slade Prison
Did anyone else get the irony of her lecturing the country on obesity? Check that mirror out you fat bitch. Oh and by the way Diane, if you are going to beat the rest of us up about sending our kids to public school it might be an idea to remember where you sent your own child. And one more thing dear, how about declearing that 800 quid you get from the BBC for your appearances on the goggle box every week. If that is a model socialist then God help us all.
Ghastly person,just another cog wheel in the charade they call the House of commons,hypocrites,her being right up the list.:finger2:
She is no different from most of the rest. A Doctor on am tv was saying the same stuff & he would have been medically obese without a doubt.
We, sadly, live in a " do as I say" rather than follow a good example society.
All too many people think the basics don't apply to them when if they got the little things right many of the bigger issues would be half way sorted.
For example, basic personal responsibility for health care ( diet/ exercise) would cut down NHS problems hugely.
Reminds me of Edwina Curry when she was health minister. She spent a night lecturing about the dangers of drink driving, and was saying that really you shouldn't have anything to drink if you're driving. On the way out she gave the car keys to her husband who had been sitting in the bar all night. Someone pointed out that she shouldn't let him drive after the lecture she had just given. Apparently her answer was, "Oh, don't worry, he knows his limit".

Some people just don't think sometimes.
Reminds me of Edwina Curry when she was health minister. She spent a night lecturing about the dangers of drink driving, and was saying that really you shouldn't have anything to drink if you're driving. On the way out she gave the car keys to her husband who had been sitting in the bar all night. Someone pointed out that she shouldn't let him drive after the lecture she had just given. Apparently her answer was, "Oh, don't worry, he knows his limit".

Some people just don't think sometimes.

I was working up in Derbyshire and staying at the hotel where the South Derbyshire Conservatives were having their yearly bash. Old Edwina and her mates had no problem with emptying the bar of absolutely everything. And I didn't see many taxis picking up at the end of the night, if you get my drift.
Ghastly person,just another cog wheel in the charade they call the House of commons,hypocrites,her being right up the list.:finger2:

I know the sound producer who works on The Daily Politics Show and he said she is the most hateful person on the programe. And coming from him who finds good in everyone that is a pretty bold statement.
Much as it pains me to say it, we need people as risible as her in politics.

Had, say, the issue of obesity been raised by the MP for Thurrock, or even both Southend constituencies, their statements may well have sank without trace. Yet, now someone as thoroughly unlikable as Diane Abbot talks about it, it gets publicity and discussed.

It probably reflects on the electorate to a much greater degree, than on the media or politicians, that the more obnoxious the MP or political animal, the more we respond to them.